Calling all Jewelry makers

(Ok I wasn’t 100% sure this was the right place to post so please forgive/correct me if needed! :slight_smile: )

I am trying to build up my jewelry collection and I prefer to buy pieces from local creators. I would LOVE to see some of the stuff our DMS jewelry makers create!

Pendants, beads, chains, rings, earrings; please use this post as a place to show off!! :heart_eyes:

(Also I found these cool beads on clearance so if anyone has some ideas for how I could use them, that would also be appreciated! :sweat_smile:)

Edit: *also if it is for sale, adding a price or a shop link would be great if that’s allowed! :slight_smile:

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How does a wood ring sound? Possibly with a liner and or a stone/opal inlay. I’ve tinkered with the idea of making an Etsy shop for it, but pandemic has kinda killed my momentum on it. Pics incoming.

Edit- I can also get tungsten, Damascus, and ceramic ring blanks and just do the infill. Oh yeah, and glow in the dark too!


You should totally teach a class on that :ring:


Those look awesome! That dark wood one is especially gorgeous! How small can you make them? I have bony Voldemort fingers.

Yes!! I second this.

I’ve made down to a size 5, but could probably go smaller.

You know I might have enough mandrels to do a class assuming we have 2 students with smaller fingers and 2 with larger. I have 2 different mandrel systems and each one has 2 sizes, thus a 4 student class.


@sroriginals and @Cairenn_Day make jewelry :slight_smile:

I fight with talk every time I try to post a picture and most of the if you’re on Facebook to check out my page there which is the howling artist my jewelry is what some of us decided was organic bohemian. Watch Mostly all play the copper wire copper sheet in various forms. I like so it’s not giving me a list that goes I’ll make something new and try to post copper a lot

In reading Cairenn’s post, be aware that she’s using a voice-recognition software that doesn’t play well with her accent. She’s got macular degeneration so that she can’t see to edit it, either.

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