Calendaring FiberFrolic going forward

Okay. I hosted a frolic last night. Nobody came. It would seem that a lot of the interested parties are allergic to TALK. But they are also allergic to making a firm commitment to a day and timeframe. So I return to TALK to offer up a simple poll to help determine when these should happen. Since Tuesday was the traditional day “BP” (before pandemic), I’m opting to stick with that day of the week.

  • First Tuesday of month from 7-9
  • Second Tuesday from 7-9
  • Third Tuesday from 7-9
  • Fourth Tuesday from 7-9
  • First and Third Tuesday from 7-9
  • Second and Fourth Tuesday from 7-9

0 voters


In the meantime, while y’all cast your votes, Michelle Oas plans to host an impromptu Frolic on Tuesday, August 17. So pencil this onto your calendars!

and plan to wear a mask. We wanna keep mom healthy while she awaits the arrival of the future little Oaty Oas. (No that’s not his/her name, but we can have fun torturing Michelle and Adam with horrible name suggestions. )


Are weekend days an option, @jrkriehn?

Not for me.

If someone else would like to take over, they are welcome to do so, and promote whatever day they wish.

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