Calendar Update

Hey everyone,

We’re ready to push out a new calendar update. The main changes you’ll notice are:

  • RSS / ATOM feeds
  • Price listed in title of calendar event
  • Count of class attendees
  • Reversed sort order for hosted events

It’ll happen sometime tonight and any issues should be posted here or in #issues-requests



Thank you for the reverse order listing!


@talkers … it looks like calendar updates are happening … thanks Luke!

@LukeStrickland @Draco @denzuko Thank you very much for the updates and fixes. They are appreciated.


Can you please add the instructions to access this? Users will be delighted.

I’m personally very grateful for the reverse order of hosted classes :wink:

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I am the one that developed the RSS / ATOM feeds … I am not seeing the feed yet

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VCALENDAR feed appears to be here…

It looks like atom, json, and rss should also be supported but do not appear to be working.

I’m sorry the update was not launched tonight due to other issues that required my attention. Tomorrow!

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No need to apologize. I was the one who assumed the update had already been done.

Thanks much for working on these updates!

Please clarify.

Is this the number of spaces allotted by the host, the number of spaces still available, the number of participants signed up, or the number of people who actually attended and were marked on the attendance list?

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The update is now live.

If anyone has any issues please let me know!


P.S. Tested w9 uploads, which I was scared about, works great!



The default list view only shows two weeks worth and it used to show everything.

I hope that is a bug and not an intended feature…

My guess is a bug, will look at it tomorrow unless someone can figure it out tonight.

Very confusing… calendar/src/Controller/EventsController.php at master · Dallas-Makerspace/calendar · GitHub

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This may be related. Calendar view is also broken. The later part of each month is blank. No discernible pattern to the cutoff date, 12th to 18th.

I reverted to a previous deployment for tonight. No data loss of course. Not happy potentially not showing classes, will investigate tomorrow.

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Since 10pm, I’m getting reminders for a Wednesday night class every 5 minutes.

Side effect of the rollback, perhaps?

Specifically, it’s the CNC class, in case that helps troubleshoot.

Text reminders? Email reminders?

Yes to both. 13 reminders and climbing.

Still going this morning. Glad I have unlimited SMS.

Should be fixed now, very confused at the black magic fuckery going on here!

So sorry about the spam!

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