CA Office Hours-coming soon

I am also a member of the Fort Collins Creator Hub:

They have “docent” hours where knowledgeable folks are available at the space for specific hours each day to help folks with the tools and techniques.

The system works well and I believe is well liked by the (much smaller) maker community there.

One thing they do (in addition to simply having people on site) is to carve out a 1 hour Orientation period each day. This works like our Open House, is handled by the Docent on site, and concentrates the “tell me about the space” questions to just one portion of the Docent’s on-site time and allows them to handle that issue for multiple people at once.

Perhaps CA should consider a small segment of the CA Office Hours as being set aside for a CA tour, perhaps of 15 minutes duration, so you’re not being interrupted at random points during Office Hours for that task.

Something along the lines of “the last 15 minutes of the first hour of “CA Office Hours” is explicitly set aside for a tour of the CA features and facilities. Anyone interested in an overview of CA should try to drop in at that time.”

This has several benefits:

  • Doing it at a standardized time means only doing it 1X per block, at most.
  • Doing it early in the hours block allows the opportunity to turn an interest into an action in the remaining two hours.
  • Doing it in the bottom of the 1st hour avoids issues of getting blindsided as one walks in the door, especially if traffic makes on a little late.

We’ll have to consider that when we’re working through logistics. I’m certain its going to be something we refine with trial and error.

If we can get enough participation I’d like to ideally have two office hour sessions per month - one on a weeknight and one on a weekend. I wonder if trying to make the weeknight a thursday night is asking for trouble or will be beneficial because tour night.

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I can be there for Resin questions, like we discussed in the SIG meeting :wink:

That’s awesome! We recently had someone wanting to know about wood stabilization to which I know nada.

I can do the docent stuff.

The rest, I can sign someone off on pretty much nada.

But I can talk :innocent:


Just wondering which version of bimonthly you are using. It’s a horrible word…

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twice per month


That would be semi-monthly… just to be pedantic…


or every other week, to be pedantic and clear of intent…


Or twice a month, just to be super clear about those pesky 5 week months.

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But that COULD mean 2x this week; none for the next 4…

I meant to say every four score. But it is fixed now.


Damn you and your semantics!!! :slight_smile: <- smiley so people know i’m joking.

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four score…what?

I shall now egress with my pedantic a$$.

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And twenty years

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aw. They took away my retorts…
:slight_smile: <-so we all know I’m being a jerk in the most mirthsome of ways…

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I’m willing to help depending on scheduling issues. Wayne and I often have to travel on weekends for his lighting design gigs. I can do sewing, sergers, embroidery (and digitizing) and have been signed off on Thor (but too afraid to use yet). I’m also signed off on vinyl and Silhouette and will make sure I know better to help. And I’m good at talking. :laughing:

Or perhaps “fortnight” (14 days)?

“Four score” would mean 80 days.


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Fifty four score and I’m not trying to be semantically accurate.

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