CA Monthly Audit for Consumables - June 2019

As are the fabric painting sprays I was looking at earlier today. The large stains from the citrus oil that soaked into the carpet left in the hallway when we ripped up the carpet in future-CA is rather odious. I remembered a rug-painting promo that I participated in a couple of years ago during roll-out of a product from Johnson Wax.

I played for Team DAFA (Dallas Area Fiber Artists) and we won the $10,000 group prize. But the PR company that Johnson hired totally sucked. And it doesn’t look like that particular product even exists anymore. I blame the PR company.

But… There are alternatives. We just have to choose colors darker than the original rug color. Which could be a challenge in and of itself…

tagging @MizGeek. We discovered yesterday that she did this project too.



We have several folks that teach needlefelting. I’d like to get their input before buying more. I’ll be doing a quick group pm and get back

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The only “major” consumable want for leather working at the moment is 1/8" double sided tape. I usually pick it up at Michaels or Amazon; I’m not really a fan of Tandy’s - but that’s really personal preference.

Many people asked for it, but I don’t think it ever got posted or if anyone even knows what it is.

Is that like zipper tape? (A skinny double-sided tape used to hold a zipper in place while stitching a garment?

I think this is a close to an answer as we have seen:

Because that link suxors, let’s try this, taken from there:

This is what I use for my personal projects.

Tandy sells it as well, but I’ve found it doesn’t bond as well and is harder to get the backing paper off.

I’m not exactly sure what zipper tape is, so i can’t speak to that.

Hmm. Zipper tape isn’t “easy tear, but does release pretty easily.

Whoops. Apparently the name I use is more colloquial than reality. Zipper tape is actually the fabric bordering the teeth. But this stuff is what i use. I’ll try to remember to bring some Thursday to the CA meeting for you to look at for comparison.

FYI re: felting supplies. Daiso carries needles, kits, and basic supplies, all at the usual $1.50 price point. No idea how that compared to Amazon pricing, but there you go…


Thanks. Daiso has some cool stuff. Like I need a flimsy excuse for a visit :innocent:

Just finished pm teacher discussion and sent final list to Shay

We found a good deal on amazon for 50 needles for $20. I suspect that’s where our original ones came from.

We’ve had expected attrition (they break) and are getting a couple of different sizes of high-use ones, then a bit of fine-finishing ones.

Also got something to mark them with to prevent mixups (paint markers, will live in teacher cabinet after I’m done for any other instructors needing to mark/code things)

And a mix of embroidery and hand-sewing needles and organizer so we have a dedicated set for the fiber cabinet. It’ll live in one of those three stacking boxes

I’m going to be requesting yarn for a weaving project, but need to finish planning that. Doubt I’ll have it done for meeting, but I won’t have time warp for a couple more weeks yet anyway

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I use this and like it better than Tandy’s, however, I never really had issue removing the backing.

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I’ll definitely check that out.

My big thing right now is that the teacher asking for it has requested 1/8".

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They did. Mostly gone now.

It’s just a jump to the left
And then a step to right!
Put your hands on your hips.
And pull your knees in tight!


That reminds me, anyone up for a CA midnight Rocky viewing?


I was talking with @so_creative last night and she will be taking over the Midori notebook classes (and I know she will do a much better job than I did), but we realized we were using my personal long arm stapler for the class. Can we get one of those for CA?

The Stapler
The Staples

Less than $25 for the pair.


I’ve got a stapler that may work. It is in a box in my storage that is destined for the Space. When we moved our office we ended up with nowhere for it to live. I’ll bring it to the CA meeting on Thursday.


More acrylic paint in tubes would be nice. Thank you

I typically use Liquitex because for teaching it seems to be the best price per ounce for the quality. Do you have a different preference?

Unless you must have a heavy body Chromacryl is good