This was posted in North Texas Blacksmith facebook group recently. This is mostly for Blacksmithing and Metal Works, but good info for anyone really. It also makes me think that we should have a quick connect hose in the big shop sink. Been teaching First Aid for over ten years, and I do concur.
Treat burns in cool running water for at minimum 15 minutes. Not ice, not aloe, just water.
Too late to help now but for everyone to know in the future:
I worked in a Burn Unit at UMC hospital in Lubbock, Tx for four years with a occupational therapy. Every single person who went straight to a running water source (sink, water hose, creek, etc.) spent the least time in the hospital with the least amount of burn damage rarely ever having to have any surgeries for skin grafts. I remember talking to a welder who caught his pants on fire and was in the hospital. Because he was able to get the flames out and he got to a water hose immediately, he only had minor burns that caused some blisters he didn’t want to get infected. He said the rule was no less than 15 minutes under running water for any burn. He was absolutely right!
In the 14 years I’ve been teaching blacksmithing, not one of my students needed to go to a clinic or emergency room for their burns. Water, water, water!!! Cold running water for a minimum of 15 minutes to remove the heat and “burning sensation” on the burn site. After 15 minutes, dry off and count to 60. If the burning starts again, back in the water! If not, go back to work!
The ONLY ointment for burns is called Aquaphor. It was specifically developed for treating burns but it shouldn’t be placed on the burn area for a few hours when the heat has completely dissipated and the pain in being managed with a over the counter pain medicine. It prompts the skin to keep from drying out while it does not promote scarring.
Never put any heavy greasy substance on burns! Never put any food items on burns! (We are not cannibals!) Never put any ice on burns as this will cause freezing burn damage on top of the heat damage already suffered!