Hi, I’m new to DMS and the main reason I joined was access to the machine shop! I used to work at a machine shop in PA and am wondering if there’s any classes coming up soon, or if someone can get me signed off!
Hi, I’m new to DMS and the main reason I joined was access to the machine shop! I used to work at a machine shop in PA and am wondering if there’s any classes coming up soon, or if someone can get me signed off!
@Team_Machine_Shop can hopefully answer
@BobKarnaugh do you remember who else was doing the classes? I know you did a train the trainers. Perhaps we can get some of those guys to teach.
Cody, worst case come to the machine shop meeting on the 29th. We encourage others to come to the Committee meeting & get involved.
Great thanks! I’ll be sure to be there!
We’re also meeting in the Machine shop at 5:00 for some cleaning, organizing and maintenance if you’d like to come participate.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Cody, I can give you a qualifier as can our other teachers/experienced users such as Tim Bene, Mike Glass, Jerry Kassebaum, David Kessinger, Nick Silva, Chris Wischkowski, Chris Marlow (The Cat), Rich Meyer, and Jay Phelps, among others.
I expect to be at DMS tomorrow by 2pm through the evening. If you would, self study the material on the lathe and the Bridgeport. The training material can be accessed both from inside the DMS or by remote access (to computer: physical.dallasmakerspace.org) at: DMS drive N (committees drive)/ Machineshop/Training/ClausingColchester lathe (and similarly for Bridgeport mill). The most recent training or intro class slide show is what you want from each. First go to ClausingColchester 101 2018 with quiz. The first five slides cover the aspects of DMS culture that you need to know. Due to your machine shop background, you may progress through the remaining slides and those of the Bridgegport at blinding speed, but pay attention to the slides on the Clausing lathe controls, as your experience is probably with a different make of lathe. Take the quiz at the end of the Clausing material. The letters of the best answers form a password to be given for machine side qualification. There currently is no such quiz for the Bridgeport.
If you have a back ground in machining, I can probably do the lathe/and mill qualifier in about 15-20 minutes. This will include going over some of the idiosyncracies of our particular machines and showing you where the various appurtenances are kept. If you have your work piece, setting up your work piece can be a part of the qualifying activities and then you can get started doing what you had intended to start with.
When did we get these? Are they kept in tooling cabinet?
Bob - I posted a pdf copy of the material on the jump server, for those people who may not have Powerpoint on their home machines. The Colchester pdf material is only 1.2MB and the Bridgeport is 2.3MB.
Cody - We access this material using what we call the “jump server”. You can access the material remotely using the free Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP) software.
If you visit the Infrastructure category of Talk, there is a post pinned to the top with links to detailed information about the Jump server.
However, since you’re new, if you can’t get RDP to work initially, PM me with a “real” email address and I’ll try to email you the training material.
Hey Bob, Are there any days during the week that you are able to make it in in the evenings?
Tomorrow, Friday evening, and again on Sunday afternoon and evening. Sunday
evening there is only to be a couple of hours of cleaning and maintenance to
the machine shop and after that a committee meeting.
I will see you there tonight!