Board of Directors Election 2015

Please be sure you are using your username, not your email address. If you are not registered as a voting member you will be receive a different message:

Authorization failure. Your account does not have voting rights.

Currently, you are not registered to vote. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] to register. I suggest doing so ASAP, as voting ends at 7pm tonight.

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Cool - makes perfect sense - just verifying that the ā€˜black-holedā€™ alert text really means ā€˜timed-out - try againā€™ā€¦

I am using my user name; itā€™s the same name I use to sign into Billing, wiki and the forum. I can sign in everywhere, except for voting.

I just sent an email to register to vote.

donā€™t forget-
Stars collapsing in on themselves.
Dark matter coming into physical contact with matter, giving it the cold shoulder, and causing a rift that tears through time.
And that IKEA DIY particle accelerator that I tried to build that had an alarming number of spare parts.


Your new board is: Alex, Ben, Robert, AndrewL, Kent.
Congrats guys!


Congratulations and condolences to all of the above. :slight_smile:


Congratulations to all.

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Congratulations, gentlemen!

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Thanks all for the votes. Lets keep improving this place. I urge all people to join their committees of interest and get involved.


I think @KrissyHeishman said it best last night, there were no losers here.

Thank you to everyone who participated, your support is what keeps the makerspace running.

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