Bio Meeting This Saturday 03/07/15

I’ve scheduled a Bio meeting for this Saturday at 3 P.M. Please come if you are able to, and be ready to discuss our agenda items.

Agenda items include:

  • Hearing from each committee chair candidate what his qualifications, goals for the group and availability are
  • Discussing what kind of Bio projects the Bio Committee could help the members do and what equipment would be necessary
  • Goals and ideas for the Bio group and group projects.

Thank you.


I might be running behind due to a commitment, but I’ll get there when I can and I’ll post as update on this thread.

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MIght see if I can piggyback the LED grow light discussion onto the meeting if that works.

Sure! This meeting is for discussing anything of concern to the Bio group.

I should be there around 3:15


I “accidentally” met David (Ratcliff) the other day and we had a discussion about a project that I sort of want to evaluate and if sounds workable, implement. I thought I was going to the attend the meeting but I had to come to Fortworth. I definitely will like to join next time you guys meet or even earlier. I usually go there in the evening.


yeah, so, apparently we’re not having this meeting? 3:30 and no one’s showed up.

This thread is about a week ago, was there supposed to be another one?

EDIT: I do see one scheduled for today on the calendar.

I’m sorry that I was late. I got there at 3:40, but found no one from Bio. I had classes to teach of my own, starting at 4.

I waited for about 20 minutes, then went to check out the battleships in the interactive classroom. Are we going to reschedule for next week, or later this week, or…?

I don’t know what Dave intended to discuss at this meeting, and I haven’t heard from him since late last week. I would have trouble getting to this meeting this week as I have a class to teach at 3 P.M.