Big Thunder has a sign on it saying “Down, Repair ETA 9/25/23”.
That was a week ago, does anyone know what the issue is? Is it still down?
Big Thunder has a sign on it saying “Down, Repair ETA 9/25/23”.
That was a week ago, does anyone know what the issue is? Is it still down?
It is.
Something is going on weird with the laser beam.
I thought it first that it was just an alignment issue, but it actually might be the tube itself - I’ll be in later today and trying to determine further.
(As a side note, if it is the tube - we’ll probably use this as an excuse to tear about Big Thunder like we did Blitzen, and get Blitzen trained up again.)
Is Blizen done then? Would we be down to only Donner?
Could we focus on getting Blitzen back up before tearing down BT?
That is the plan.
Blitzen is already up, I’ve just been waiting to start new training/rules on it.
Do you mean ‘tear down’? Is there a plan for another larger laser if that happens? Or would we go down to the smaller sizes?
Not that I’m exactly sure, but I think this plan is to do a refit on Thunder. It won’t be quick, but it will be back. So yes – you’d have to make do with the smaller lasers in the meantime.
If you look (but please don’t touch) over by where the old ceramics/ jewelry area is in the south warehouse, we did this with Blitzen recently.
Basically spent three weeks completely pulling the machine apart. Cleaning everything, recalibrating everything, replacing woren parts like some of the belts and bearings.
I don’t anticipate big Thunder will take as long to clean up as that one just because now that we’ve done it once, it’ll be a lot easier to do again.
Blitzen is technically ready for service again, however, I’m still doing some full testing on it and making sure that it actually is calibrated/ setup properly.
Is Blitzen and/or Big Thunder back in the rotation yet (just curious)?
Blitzen is almost. We have finished rebuilding it and testing it, there’s just a couple last calibration steps that I still need to take care of. Should be done by Sunday evening - I will make a forum post / discord post when that occurs.
As a note for anyone reading this though, there is going to be some new info/rule updates for that laser for now. They will be posted on a (hopefully) laminated piece of paper that will be in easy viewing on the laser.
Thanks for all your work on this.
What’s the gist of the new rules? I don’t want to show up there and be surprised that I can’t do what I might have intended. Thanks.