Bid sheets up for “rent a human” to help benefit ca

In the main hallway I’ve placed clipboards with bidsheets corresponding to the services offered up in kindness By several members just because they have huge hearts. They will be up till 5p on Saturday. Please look for the “register here” clipboard to sign up for your number (2nd clipboard from the ca room door) and sign up with a number to avoid confusion.

Bid early. Bid often.



  1. Rent a Gorman for an hour - tutorial of choice 1 of 2 @talkers
  2. Rent a Gorman for an hour - tutorial of choice 2 of 2
  3. Two Hour Resin Private Tutorial with Lara 1 of 2 @Edenblue
  4. Two Hour Resin Private Tutorial with Lara 2 of 2
  5. Rent a Steve for two hours - tutorial of choice 1 of 2 @Lordrook
  6. Rent a Steve for two hours - tutorial of choice 2 of 2
  7. Private Kaleidoscope class with Tommy @tomthm
  8. Car knowledge time with Tom 1 of 2 @TLAR
  9. Shooting adventure with Russell 1 of 2 @Gimli
  10. Shooting adventure with Russell 2 of 2
  11. Laser and leather project help with JJ @apparently_weird

(will be posted tonight)
12. Rent an underthehood Tom 2 of 2
13. How to professionally frame lesson with Tom again
14. Rent-An-Aixe @axeonos
15. Video seminar about the versatility of Dremel tools with Patrick @patrickpleez1

Everything starts at $10 and $2 increments to keep things simple - when I left last night both Steve and Russell had bids for $10


woot! I’m hoping this generates some good monies for CA.

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I hope so too. If anything, it’s going to be a good indication if this type of event works for funding and purging our stuff. Because I think a solid purge of space is good for everyone.


I’ll be up tonight to post the updated sheets. Hope it’s been going well with the bidding.


as of last night someone things I’m worth $10!


Me too! I think.