Best Python for newbies book?

Looks like I’ll have to learn Python so I can program the controllers for my homebrew pinball machines. Any recommendations for book(s) for a total programming newbie?


I’d suggest in order of start to finish, try looking into:

I’m also available for peer programming/teaching.


I see you say you are new to programming, not just new to Python.

I am using Learn Python the Hard Way in Dwight’s class. I am not liking it so much. The author insists that you use Python 2 instead of Python 3. Python 3 is well on its way to adoption and I would rather learn the newer dialect than the older one. Also, he insists on using a text editor to write the code and running Python from the command line. I think IDLE is a much nicer environment to experiment with the language as I am learning it.

I started with Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, third edition. This is the second one in Dwight’s list. This one is easy to read; a bonus is that it is game oriented, so it may be more interesting for you to follow.

I bought Python Crash Course later to learn advanced concepts like client/server programming, but have not read it yet. It appears to be not as approachable for a beginning programmer as Absolute Beginner.

I also bought Learning Python for coverage of more advanced concepts; it is definitely not for the beginner.

Finally, I got Programming the Raspberry Pi, Getting Started with Python This book is very readable, I finished it in one weekend of binge reading. I admit that I did not also do any hand-on exercises during that time. If you are using a Pi, I definitely recommend this one.


Thanks for the tip, @Bill!

I found this on Amazon and it looks like a great way for an absolute beginner to get their feet wet. I especially like how it’s mentioned that most of the hands on exercises can be completed in under an hour - which might be fast enough to complete them before :squirrel: :squirrel: :squirrel:

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If you would like to see before you buy, I bring this one, along with Hard Way and Absolute Beginner with me to the Space every time. The other two stays in the truck unless I think I need it.

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That would be AWESOME! Thanks!! :dms: :smiley:

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that one is fourth on my list of suggestions

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Should we add a few best titles on this subject to the digital library/physical library for members to review at the space?


Good point! I had skimmed through the suggestions from both you and Bill (obviously without clicking on the links… Oops!), then searched for that one in particular based on Bill’s “review”. My apologies for not giving you credit along with Bill. That one book was the only one that I looked up last night / earlier this morning, and only because Bill’s review captured my curiosity… Thanks for your list, too! :slight_smile:

I think it would be great to have some available, if space/licensing allows! :slight_smile:

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i have a non profit library agreement with a few publishing houses and I’ve been leveraging that for the STEM program. But we can use that for the space

Is there any subjects and/or titles we need to prioritize?

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How do libraries manage the checking out of electronic books?

Basically the same way amazon does it by using client side ssl certs, timed base access to encrypted pdfs, and distributed over

Its built into the opds standard:

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I used the MIT and Google classes to learn from scratch, I had previous experience with programming but that was BASIC so I don’t think it really counts. These two classes were very good and had some video lectures and basic explanations and examples. The price was great (free) and I also picked up Python Crash Course from no starch press. That’s been good after the classes because now it’s teaching larger (still very small) projects and I bought a Udemy course that sounds really good. If you watch no starch you’ll see books come up at a very reasonable price and same with Udemy - browse the site and register and they will send you discounts for the classes you browsed.

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If online (not the original query, i realize) is they way you decide to go, my friend said working through Code Academy’s Python intro ( was fairly quick and painless for a newbie. Also free…

MIT are great courses, but if they are the ones I am thinking about, they are pretty tough as an intro class.

It’s been about 3-4 years since I took the Code Academy Python course. I really liked the format, learned a lot, and would definitely recommend it as an excellent starting point for someone new to coding.

I did take the first MIT course and it was not a skip in the park - but I loved it and learned a lot from it - and would highly recommend it if you’re not a newbie.

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