Those of you with more experience will probably scoff and say, “well duh,” but… I’ve been struggling with my beginner projects - wallets and such - to thin the edges. I got a “safety beveler” from Tandy and well, that thing is a piece of crap, or maybe it’s my skill with it. It’s hard to be consistent with it. Last thing I made I just used a sanding block and 80 grit to thin the edges before gluing/stitching because I can’t get a good smooth skive with it.
Finally decided to try a skiving knife. I bought a cheap-o one from Amazon:
and just from playing around with it for a few minutes, it’s soo much easier than the Tandy “vegetable peeler.”
I had to put a little keener edge on the blade and it works great. I have a couple of Christmas gifts to work on and now I’m not trepiditious anymore.