Beekeeping Made Easy

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That is really cool!

fairly lengthy discussion of the flow hive here

with a “flow hive” you keep bees in the normal manor any other bee keeper would. it only really helps when you go to harvest which is well after your first year. so the debabte is typically why pay more for overpriced woodenware(you could get 5 full setups for the price of 1 flow hive). i myself have a knock off flow hive that was still overpriced but i got what i wanted so win win.

tldr. didnt revolutionize beekeeping but does make harvest marginally easier for some. costs more than traditional beek gear. keep your bees how you want. spend your money how you want.

overall any interest ppl have in bees is great. even if you dont want to keep bees planting wildflowers native to TX is the best thing you can do for local bees.

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