Basic intro classes coming up

A word about classes in ELab.
Given the fallout, rant, rave, etc. in another thread concerning previous classes in the Elab, I’ll state the official policy for the Electronics Committee.

Classes have priority in the ELab.
The teacher has the authority to request the ELab be vacated for the class.
It is the responsibility of members to check the Events Calendar and schedule accordingly.
If a member is asked to leave the ELab and refuses to do so, a complaint may be filed by the teacher w/ the Chair and/or BoD. This may result in said member losing their privileges in the ELab - i.e. being banned from the ELab.

This policy is not open for debate, argument, rant, rave, etc.
Classes show up on the Events Calendar 7 days before the class date giving everyone plenty of time to plan ahead.