BAD IDEA one liners, who's got GOOD ones

When in doubt, gas it out.

Wilddddddd turkey liquor.

“Don’t wrestle with a pig. You both end up dirty, and the pig likes it.”

Needs a bigger fuse…


Lol. It needs a Type L no-blow.

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This is essentially what I meant by no-blows.

Quick get the broom stick so I can jam the contractor in. (That was a Monkey Wards job that the customer did)


Here is some more BAD Ideas. One is a Craftsman fuse.

The other is blade style TYPE L no-blows

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I’ve seen the “copper pipe” fuse before. Recently, I came across a direct wired home electric where the line in the cut-off box was direct wired!! :flushed:. This was after we found bare copper wire from rats chewing on the main supply in the attic :flushed::grinning:

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Folks using the pipes graduated from the school of:

“We’re out of fuses. Anyone got a 22 long?”
“No. Just wrap it with foil”

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This is the electronics version of “Don’t force it – get a bigger hammer”, yes?


I need to go to the bathroom.

-Elvis Presley


The 22 long fuse with audible alert feature… Working on pinball and arcade games you get to see so many hack job repairs it no longer surprises me when I find something over fused or bypassed. Always fun hearing from a seller or at the arcade auction where they say it just needs a fuse… Always more than a fuse needed when they say that.


You never want to hear “It will be fine. What is the worst that could happen?” or “we don’t need to back it up before upgrading” when upgrading servers or network hardware… Murphy always has to answer that question and ruin your entire weekend. That quick 5 minute upgrade or reboot will turn into 36 hours of pure joy if a co-worker utters those words…


If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough. - Mario Andretti


I would “like this” a million times if I could. I used to work at a place where the senior upgrade technician would say things like “There is NO NEED TO TAKE A BACKUP, THEY TAKE TOO LONG. I’ve done this a million times and nothing ever happens.” Then one night while he’s doing an upgrade the customer has a power fail because of an electrical storm and the upgrade gets corrupted. There is no way to undue what part of the upgrade had already been done and the database was “converted partially” so it was essentially corrupted. Their last automated backup was a week old. Do you know how many office visits a practice with 40 doctors sees in a week?

Yeah, the doctor’s database took several days to reconstruct with all of the db tools we could muster to accomplish it and with some hard copy data. They lost patient visits, receivables and the docs in the practice were very very unhappy with us.

A simple database backup would have eliminated all of their grief. It was even in the checklist that was supposed to be used for EVERY upgrade. I asked him if he learned anything. He just said, “It will never happen again. It was a fluke.” As I said he was the senior technician. His reasoning was that it takes many hours to backup the very large databases and he didn’t have time to wait on a backup for every upgrade.

I guess, it is good thing we now have virtual technologies which make backups much easier to perform.

Still, I’ve had many people ask me for assistance when their system gets corrupted. I always ask for their latest backup. Most of the time they say, “I"m sorry I never took one.” I always reply, “Well then, you will just have to reinstall from scratch and install all of your applications and then create the data again.” One time a doctor actually fainted. He had hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of research on his laptop which he left on top of his car when he drove onto the tollway. It bounced down the highway at 50 miles an hour when the wind blew it off of the car.

He takes backups now.

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I’ll get that checked later… – Jim Hensen

ill do it tomorrow -

“Programming javascript is easy” – Anon, doing a job interview

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tends to be “Hold my coffee” around my house.

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This so dumb … I mean using non-galvanized pipe! Look at the rust.