AV Room - Acoustic Foam

Hello There - We are in the process of building out an AV Room. I have ordered 24 square feet to start, along with a podcasting setup. That being said, we would like to get additional acoustic tiles as the year progresses. Any thoughts?

Just for clarity, that’s 24 square feet of acoustic tiles, correct?

I’m all for soundproofing. I like quiet, especially when I’m trying to record video.

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That is correct



are you replacing the moving blankets or adding to them?

Replacing them as we go. Going for a more professional look…I could only afford to get coverage for the entire suite, but this is a start. If anyone has access to clean Acoustic foam tiles, please feel free to drop it off!

Well I can tell you from experience that the foam tiles you reference (NRC 0.65) will not provide more isolation than the moving blankets that are there (NRC 0.8). Yes they look better but the only place that often uses the better looking foam is the mixing suite. But of course that is were the executives come in and wonder why it is costing them $1,200/hour. For us poor plebes in the video studio we use blankets.

I’m for upgrading the look, maybe you can get the BOD to do matching funds etc.

For more info on NRC Noise Reduction Coefficient. Or ask @Shawn_Christian.

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Hello Lampy - Thank you for the feedback! I do not have the time, availability or resources on how to maximize this space. I am only doing what I can to make it more usable. Although he blankets may be more effective, not many want to shoot in there because of aesthetics. For the purposes of visual recording/broadcasting from the AV room, the sound blankets are not the most aesthetically pleasing. We shall see how these tiles work, and will keep you posted.

Also, once the AV room is cleared, I would reckon that we are going to have a lot more sound bouncing off of the wall. I am hoping to get some additional support to help dampen the sound. Any help you could provide is greatly appreciated!

There is your biggest issue, the room was too small from the beginning and now it is so full it’s pretty much useless for shooting video. Other than a headshot.

Yep! It’s not bad for small projects. Last week I shot a film noir scene in a room a little smaller than this If is okay for small projects, webcasts, etc But I agree with you. That being said, we have to start somewhere Who knows, maybe it will grow!

How much sound is actually coming in through the door? (glass windows, air gap below the door)

Hello Andrew - I do not know. We will get a better idea once the room is cleared out.