Ask Me! (discussion about shirts/tags/hats/pins/etc... for New Member Integration)

A couple of very basic button ideas…

Perhaps offer a premade “Ask Me!” button at cost for members who are willing to volunteer… Or better yet “first one free”, then if the members want more, they can buy them for a small upcharge???

Offer a free “New Member” button to all new members, free of charge (keep them near the key cards/fobs and new member handbooks…

and then maybe have ‘visitor stickers’ in the lobby to help identify visitors?


Nice! If you want to go head and get that done, great!

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Yeah the paid for thing was just to let people know I did pay for stuff and didn’t steal it and also that we have to pay for stuff. Hehe


I’ll be at the Space Sunday evening for the Python class, and will make a couple of buttons to see how they look.

I’ll post photos of the sample buttons that I make on this thread tomorrow night.

I’ll have to find out from the @Creative_Arts_Team how much the buttons will cost for a couple of dozen each (to start with), and see how much the @PR_Team has available in the budget to use towards making the buttons… Once I get the go-ahead, I’ll start making them.


I’m pretty sure @SewingStuff is working on pins. Is this the “helper” pins?


I love all of it! Brilliant and it will surely be effective! I believe the
name tags are pretty much there but could use a couple of tweeks. Do you
know if somebody has volunteered for this? If not, I could take 30min to
and hour to take a stab at it.

For all communications directed solely at members, is the DMS abbreviation
considered ummm… tactless, I guess is the word??

Thank you so much for reaching out to me. I’m learning how to find the
information I’m looking for on Talk, but for me personally it can just be a
energy exhausting experience… but I’m trying.

Best and thank you,

Thanks, yes this is correct. @SewingStuff and @axeonos have already completed this task. @LisaSelk if you would like to collaborate with them and let them know what you got going on that would be great. I think she already printed 21 badges from 3d printing, so we probably don’t need new ones at the moment.

New Member Integration

Please check this to do list and see if an item is completed or who is doing a task. Multiple people can join a task.

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I figure 21 pins won’t last long. I’ll give it a month before they’re lost entirely, so the more the merrier!

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don’t make it that simple. go for a printed QR code on the forehead so they have to at least take the self initiative to scan it.

For whoever decides to work on the “Sign-up Instructions”, there are already instructions available for using MakerManager 3 that you might want to check out to get a head start on the larger scope of the (to-be) new Sign-up Instructions. Here’s a link for ya! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the vote of confidence @Eric_Brunner! I will be in the Python class at 7 PM tonight; but, if I see you before or after, I’d love to get your input! :slight_smile:

I realize that Nicole (@uglyknees)… My question was, how much would it cost to make “buttons”? Thanks! :slight_smile:

@Ebony_Jackson, thank you for heading up the organization of the New Member Integration project! I have been following this thread, and am fully aware that @SewingStuff & @axeonos had already designed and printed off 21 pins. I think it’s awesome how quick they jumped on it; and, am looking forward to seeing volunteers wearing them!

However, I have also noticed that several members have voiced various opinions on what they would prefer to wear (shirts, pins, buttons, hats…). Also, as being a creative and voluntary community, I feel that it’s important to either (1) get input from as many members who plan on wearing “Ask Me!” stuff to find out what the majority would want to wear, and/or (2) offer “guidelines” and various “options” that the volunteers can use to decide what each individual wants to have access to wear.

Again, I think it’s totally kewl that we now have 3D Printed “Ask Me!” pins available for the members who want to wear them! (Thanks gals!) I haven’t seen them yet; but, just the fact that they were 3D Printed “in-house” gives them a special level of awesome!

That being said, I personally want to have more than one choice - depending on what’s going on at the time… If I’m going to be hanging out at the 'Space for a few hours, and do not have visitors with me, and am not going to be attending a class, then my first choice will often be to wear a shirt! They are comfy and easier to see the ‘message’ in most cases. However, if I am going to be at the 'Space for a couple of hours and half of that time I plan on being in a class to learn something, I would prefer to not be interrupted (especially since there are usually others who would actually be available). In those instances, wearing a button while I’m hanging out in the general areas - that I can easily remove during the class, would be a better option for me at that time.

Thanks @SewingStuff ! I’d be surprised if they even last that long, as I imagine a lot of members will be grabbing them up! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Hi @Eric_Brunner!

To be honest, a LOT of us use “DMS” and “The 'Space” during casual conversation; and, there is nothing at all wrong with either!

The real issue is when posting things that are directed at visitors and new members - who may not be familiar with the terms… “DMS” pulls up all sorts of stuff; and, none of the results on the first ten pages (or more… I stopped at ten) point to anything at all related to Dallas Makerspace. In fact, the first two things I see when I search for “DMS” using the incognito option in Chrome (to ensure it’s not pulling up pages that I’ve already visited first), are:

What Urban Dictionary pulls up for DMS… YIKES! :scream:

It’s primarily for those reasons that we strongly encourage the use of spelling out “Dallas Makerspace” in print - especially in public facing posts/documents that will be viewed by non-DMS members. Once Dallas Makerspace has been spelled out, a lot of us will use “DMS” further down the post/document, if it’s clear that we are still referring to the same place. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, understood, and Thank You! :slight_smile:

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@LisaSelk 6 for $1for buttons


Yes Lisa! Always coming in the Clutch!!

When we sign up for badges can we make the instructions more specific? Like:

  1. Go to

  2. Under Member Portal select MakerManager Badges

I’m just thinking that so there would be no room for them to ask other members questions.

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Ok makes sense I just didn’t want to step on any ones toes or bring in something that was already done. If you and the other people who are working on an idea have agreed to it, then ok.

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Ok I just read where it says go to Thanks again Lisa. I guess if we can have these printed out and possibly laminated then we can mark this item as completed. Going to print off 5 copies.

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I did a re-write of this back when I first saw it, that I thought flowed better. I don’t think anyone else has ever seen it. You may use or discard this information as you see fit…

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Allright even better!! I’m trying to find the Samsung Printer on DMS’ network. I’ll go ahead and print your version. Thanks!

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I hear, never used it…


Can we make some that say:

“Don’t Talk to Me!”

“I’m Invisible”

“Go away!”

“No I Can’t Fix Your VCR”

Just kidding
