Artemis Spaceship Simulator night Friday 4/29

In case you didn’t see it, it’s happening again this Friday! And the DMS-built game-reacting lights are back!!

Artemis is a spaceship bridge simulator game. Everyone on the ship has a different role and a different interface. The game can ONLY be played with multiple PC’s.

You’ll need a Windows PC or laptop to play.


If Frank’s got the helm, no way am I getting on that thing! :sweat::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Haha. We’ll put him on Comms.

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Give him a Red Shirt for the “Away Team”


Awesome! Do we need to sign up anywhere, or just turn up?

If you’re planning on coming, reply to this thread. It’d be nice to get an unofficial head count to get a general idea.

I know there will be people turning up as the game goes on, and that’s fine too!

I plan on being there. I’ll have my mini redshirt with me, but he’ll keep to himself

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Also, if anyone has a spare Windows laptop they’d be willing to let someone use, feel free to bring it!

Are the ones in the Common Room not good enough?

I might show up.


Are the ones in the Common Room not good enough?

Good question! I always forget about the loaners. The problem is we need admin rights and it might take some light troubleshooting if there are driver issues or something. Lemme look into this…

EDIT: The response was they’re not strong enough. They cannot handle the Artemis.

i will have two mostly working desktops I can setup with Artemis for people to use that don’t have their own computer.

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I’ll have two good laptops (i5/i7) setup for Artemis available for use.


Big thanks to @Dawsmart for putting on a great night. Lots of fun. Can’t wait for the next adventure!


Thanks to everyone who showed up, and thanks to Dwight for the pizza! And to @StanSimmons for loaning laptops even though he didn’t play. And everyone else who helped out.

I had a great time - We’ll do it again soon!


Oh man, Just learned about this. I’m on board for the next one.

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Yes! they are. Artemis only is a DX9 application. The last one of these I went to we used the common room’s laptops running a copy from the member’s folder.

M:\denzuko\artemis is the latest copy. Just copy to the desktop on which ever laptop one has.

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We’re warping out again Friday, June 3.

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It was a fun time. I should have the wiki up before the next one.


Wiki article draft is posted: Artemis spaceship simulator - Dallas Makerspace