I have four free microcontroller classes with seats available on the calendar. My classes are always designed to show beginners in electronics and programming that they can learn a little about programming and have fun without having to fully know a programming language. The web seems to have millions of hobby projects that you can wire up, download and modify to fit your goals. We will use the Arduino IDE in ESP8266 classes and Thonny in the Pico class. More advanced Makers are welcome as well. All parts, except your notebook computer, are furnished but you are always welcome to bring your own components and projects to show and tell.
Tuesday, September 20 - Arduino: ESP8266 and the Cute Little OLED Color Displays
Events |Dallas Makerspace CalendarThursday, September 22 - Arduino: ESP8266 Sensors for Fun and Non Profit!
Events |Dallas Makerspace CalendarTuesday, September 27 - Arduino: Make an Atomic Clock with an ESP8266 and an I2C LCD Display
Events |Dallas Makerspace CalendarThursday, September 29 - RPi Pico W: Sensors for Fun and Non Profit!
Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar