Applying Veneer Over SGCC Steel?

Hi there,

I have an NZXT H7 Flow computer case, and I was wondering how feasible it would be to apply a layer of veneer over the front panel intake for the computer? I would need to apply holes to the veneer so I wouldn’t cut off airflow to the cake, but are there any issues with applying an oak or maple veneer on top of it?

Don’t have an answer for all of it, but to pick up the pattern for holes, I’d put it on the photocopier and print that. Then you have the pattern, location and sizes. Just lightly tack onto the veneer.

Drill, cut, whatever and you are done in terms layout.


Taking your questions one by one.

Is it possible?

  • yes

Possible issues?

  • airflow reduction
  • how to adhere the veneer to the case
  • finishing the wood

How to do it / air flow?

  • it’s a reasonable guess that the pattern of the holes size and spacing is roughly round numbers. Take a caliper and measure the holes, probably in metric, and the spacing between centers for the holes.
  • Make a flat pattern of the holes that meets the spec you found above in CAD.
  • cut the above designed part on the laser in paper.
  • take the piece of paper to the computer and see if the holes line up. (Note that you don’t need to cut the entire panel, just enough to verify spacing. Maybe a 1”x1” section in the top left and another 1”x1” section 4-6” away, or even the opposite corner in the bottom to completely eliminate possible spacing drift.)
  • adjust the cut file until the spacing lines up exactly. Cut and recheck again and again until perfect. Make a Final Cut that does the entire shape of the veneer that you want to adhere. Test fit.
  • once happy, cut the pattern you’ve designed out of adhesive backed veneer. Finish the veneer off the computer. Apply. (Alternatively, use paper back veneer and use super77 on the veneer back to adhere) You will have 1 shot to apply the veneer- i would recommend watching a couple people apply veneer so you get a sense of techniques (using cauls / squeegee/ center out/ etc.
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Looking at the panel design again - one other thing you could choose to do:

  • Cut the holes into the center of a sheet of veneer that is bigger than the entire case. Finish and adhere as above, focusing on aligning the holes only, not the corners of the panel as well.

  • Hand trim the veneer up to the edge of the panel using a fresh sharp blade on every side.

  • Note that this may actually be disadvantageous if you’re using the panel corners/ sides as references for adhering the sheet correctly. tomato-tomahto.

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