Anyone use Private Files? - Calendar Poll - Else it is going, going, gone

Do you use private files when creating classes/events?

  • Yes
  • No
  • What?

0 voters

Can we do without it?

  • Yes
  • No
  • What?

0 voters


(yes, pole is misspeled)
(yes, misspelled iss misspelled)

Can you (someone) just query the database? If no one has used it in the last M months1 then nuke it. (If I’m given connection details I’ll build then run the query.)

A place for “private links” may be useful and seems like a good replacement for “private files”.

1 Two months strikes me as a good choice.

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Yes … I thought about this after I posted it … but I’m leaving this up in case someone has a really good case for leaving it. I don’t see any reason for it to be. I will go check the database.

I checked and it has been used a total of 33 times in the history of the calendar.
The last time it was used was 9/2018

So, yeah, it is going to get nuked, unless someone speaks up and has a good reason.


The original intent for private files is to provide information to the auditors they do not want the students to get.

For example, I may want to let the auditors see my slide deck, but prefer that students pay attention in class rather than viewing the slides on their own device.

This is one reason I do not favor the “let’s scrap the calendar and build a totally new one” approach.

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Okay … I get it … no one uses it but I get it …

I think a more back and forth with admins might be a good idea. A way for you to tell them that they need something and then they can edit and change and submit it back to you without having to redo the entire thing or copy it. You could send files back and forth for example. I’m open to how it would work …

Better communication between all parties is something that will need to be worked on and high on the poll as well. But thanks for explaining it.

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I may be the last person who used it …

I use it to send slide decks to the auditors that aren’t quite ready for the students, but will be by the time of the class. That way the auditor(s) can see that I really have a curriculum and am teaching skills but I still have six (formerly ten) days to finish the slides before the students get access.


So, as long as their is a way to send the file to the auditor with the system in class creation, are you okay with it being different and perhaps more clear?

I would rather files remain attached to the class rather than separate messages littering my e-mail inbox or Talk PM.

Yup … it will be attached to the class. I’m thinking in an auditor box. A way to also leave some private text explaining what the files are. This will also show up on the class page once created for the admin and auditors to see and read.