Anyone know where to get wider flag terminals?

I’m repairing my dryer and need one of these flag terminals. The standard width of the tab on these seems to be 0.25", but for whatever reason my dryer requires one slightly wider - I think about 0.3". Stopped at a few places & looked on Amazon, but the largest width I’ve been able to find anywhere is 0.25". (Though I have found a few that are narrower.) Anyone know where I could get one a bit wider, online or otherwise?


I bent the prongs out on a 0.25" unit to make it fit, but I’m really not happy with the connection - especially since it leads to the heating element.

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Flags or female disconnects?


Those things whatever they’re called. lol, that’s probably why I was having so much trouble searching for it - Amazon called them Terminal Flags so that’s what I was looking for. Maybe it’s a flag if the crimp part is perpendicular to the tab?


Thanks regardless! That looks like exactly what I’m looking for.

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Iirc flags are specifically terminals where the wire comes out at a right angle.


Flags look just like a flag with the crimp perpendicular to the terminal, they are harder to crimp.

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Make sure the wire matches the gauge range of the terminal and you have a proper crimper, bad crimps may let the smoke out on a high current load like a dryer.