Any way we can get one of these

So you have to use 2 squares, and they need to either be solid metal ones or machinist ones no ones with the levels in them, but you then have to put one on the in and one on the out and once you’re dealing with minute pitches each one of the teeth on the tables make sure it’s square on every one front to back, adjusting the pitch( in 4 places I’m choosing not to say publicly) but there’s 4 adjustments 1 for every corner(this is where I marked with the paint pen discreetly) To get technical this makes sure they’re co planer once you have that all squared away then you use the straight edge, I use a piece a aluminum stock cause contractors levels can easily be knocked out of level, make sure both tables are level, then set your outfeed(again no being specific intentionally) so it is correct and finally using a digital gauge check the fence on both sides for 90
Oh the squares should be touching one another so you can tell when they perfectly fit flush to each other

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But when people don’t intentionally mess with the machines the woodshop is an amazing place with freggin awesome machine that can produce amazing results! It’s when people go in intentionally dabbling with the machines that it becomes a place where results for any user even experienced ones becomes impossible
By intentional I mean with malice( and yes I picked malice specifically for it’s definition)

Is there a way you can provide a picture of what part people are adjusting? Cause it does have at least one knob I know of that you’re supposed to adjust (and should because a lot of people leave it cutting too deep) on the infeed table side (used to have a gauge sticker attached to it). Beyond that I don’t know what other adjustments people would be wanting to make.

No, and I intend to keep it that way, because like I said 95% of people have no clue the machine can even be adjusted in that way, which it should be so because like I said these adjustments are meant to be set and left which is why they have multiple locking nuts to be a one time thing they should never be moved especially repeatedly, when you mark the threads that shouldn’t ever move until the end of time

Chris, I would suggest that if these adjustments really are a “set it and forget it until the end of time” that you get with @IanLee about posting signage prohibiting the adjustments of those screws (or whatever). Dial it all back in, put a drop of paint on each of them to detect tampering and put up a sign (at the jointer) that says that under no circumstances should they be adjusted without permission from the wood shop chair. With Ian’s buy-in you can put some teeth behind this.

Now that said, I am assuming that there is no legitimate reason for users to mess with those. If that’s not actually the case then you’re on your own.

@agvet I am assuming he is talking about the four gib screws that are used to level the tables. If those are the ones, they really shouldn’t be adjusted except to get the outfeed table level with the cutter after a knife replacement. I think I saw that there is a type of cut that involves lowering the outfeed table below the cutter but that seems like a pretty advanced operation to me. I dunno.

Problem with that is I’d prefer to leave them in anyomity vs highlighting them with signage, cause like we saw above very few people know they exist, and no I know, but I used malice very specifically, so there should be no reason, but they had one, every time they did it! And the procedure you listed above is the exact thing I did except without the signage, mark the threads to make sure it was being moved come back and ohhh the threads moved! So I know for a fact someone moved them on multiple occasions! And yes those would be the ones im referencing, which are a step above the outfeed adjustment which alone isn’t something that shouldn’t be done cause there’s no need to unless wanting to make the tool less accurate

That’s a decision for the Woodshop Chair and committee to make.

But at least with signage, people can never claim they ‘didn’t know’, which makes due process easier for entities like the Chair (and even the BOD, if it ever comes to that).


Chris, give what you just said about 5 seconds of thought and reconsider.

The people who are doing this already know the screws exist.

If the goal is to be forever frustrated by the phantom screw-adjuster, then you’re on the right track.

If, on the other hand, you’d like people to stop doing it… I would once again suggest that communicating that fact would be the most effective approach.


That’s what this post is about, the “phantom” know exactly what they’re doing, and no amount of signage is going to prevent that! And that’s what this post is, basically calling them out publically without actually calling them out so they can hopefully chose to stop ruining Dms peppery and drift into the oblivion not having to be named! Cause I for 1 know I have better things to do that constantly adjust machines and honestly it doesn’t prevent me from achieving results it’s just annoying someone would chose to make Dms worse that it is currently for whatever personal agenda they’re on

I agree wholeheartedly whatever Ian wants to do I’m perfectly willing to stand behind and adhere to, but I would say so someone goes to adjust it, no one notices then I notice it’s out of adjustment which if I exhale significantly harder than normal that does noticed so me adjusting it will be noticed, and I go to re adjust it who get reprimanded in the event there’s signs saying do not adjust

And you’ve also asserted, as in not just guessed or assumed or suggested, that malice is the motivation, which means you must have specific knowledge or evidence. If this is the case, you should be filing a formal complaint with the BoD or at least @IanLee.

How have you excluded the possibility that the nuts may just not be locking in place anymore, i.e. that vibration in a heavily used machine is taking a toll?


No they have redundant locking bolts each one locks from the top and bottom they made sure that once it’s tightened down it’s not going anywhere! And honestly any formal complaint or even a document with my name on it, is just gonna make a ticker tape parade in the space so not gonna waste their and my time with the Avenue

Then in future just keep your mouth shut and stop stirring up crap here on Forums…accusing people of malice without evidence…rejecting obvious good advice from member clearly more mentally balanced and mature than you (I speak of Matt)…what a joke. People are sick and tired of your “woe is me” and “I’m so put upon” attitude. Not to mention your third-grade grammar and typing and communication skills. You think you are smarter than everyone…but everyone else just thinks you are a whiney little crybaby.

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What advise did I reject? The signage? He literally said himself “it’s up to the chair of woodshop” so how do I take the hit for an idea that’s not in my hands that was suggested to me? I agreed if Ian wants to do that I’ll laser up some signs but not until he does it! And I’m not storing shit I have both a personal account from someone and then physical proof of the machines being adjusted repeatedly after being set back,(the paint market on the threads) so that’s 2 sources of data to prove someone’s messing with the machines! I love how you use that narrative, tell the space watchdogs and camera patrol squad to focus on somebody else for a change and then maybe it won’t seem like a battalion is set on Chris duty! You want to remove the it all about Chris narrative, pick someone else to violate the anti harassment policy on!! I’ll gladly disappear into the shadows! And as far as my grammar, it’s not something that offends me cause it’s not that I have bad grammar I just chose to not proof read my post, I accept that it looks like I dropped out of 5th grade and I’ve always been the first to admit most the people on here are more mature and sound minded I don’t detest that