Any Takers (3d print this)

Let me start with - as a species humans are terrible. We were born with two hands but we keep inventing stuff that require 3. I know, I know, if we’d been born with 3 hands we’d invent things that needed 4 LOL!

OK, so I know members would like to help out and don’t readily find a way to contribute. Well here is an opportunity. I saw this (somewhere which I can’t find again). It solves 2 problems - helps lock the router in place so the nut can be tightened and sets the endmill to the same height everytime without having to hold it (thus not needing a 3rd hand). Pretty neat right? If someone would like to take a stab at designing this and possibly 3d printing one for the PigSig, please do. it doesn’t have to be a tight fit, it’s just a helper. Basically a cup that slips over the router.



For anyone who is interested, it might help to know that it is a Dewalt DWP611 router. That should help with determining dimensions.


Did you take this picture yourself? If there’s somewhere I can look at pics from different angles that’d help.

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Fusion 360 has this file that is for a dust shoe but it has the cad model for the dewalt 611 in it. Fusion


Good starting point!

ER 11 collet?

What size is the spindle wrench?

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No sorry. I found it on the internet but can’t remember where

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It’s 11/16th

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