A friend gleaned a bunch of raw cotton bolls from the side of a field after the harvest. It fills a large white kitchen-style trash bag (10-15 gallons).
Any interest in having it for processing/spinning? This is raw cotton, with potential sticks, plant parts, seeds, et al.
I can bring it to the 'space on Thursday night. Let me know.
COUNT ME IN! Totally down for cotton spin. Also this is a shareable amount with anyone else that wants some to do a project or just try a different fiber. I’ve got two tahkli to spin on myself and can’t use both at the same time if anyone would like a go at it. Also considering bringing my wheel up if the weather stays nice.
@missydee1206 can you grab me some for me personally, and some for the fiber cabinet? Or if you just take the bag, I’ll filch some? I won’t be at DMS again until week after next unless I go rogue next Thursday.
On a related note…do we have a pasta roller for fimo clay in ca? If so, we could use that to gin the cotton and get seeds out faster than hand-picking them while binge-watching Netflix. Just sayin.
I have a brand new one still in the box I havent gotten around to using it int the over 6 years I
have owned it, so I will bring it and let you have it
I clean my clay pasta roller using some formerly white and now slightly off-colored white Fimo. The little bits of colored clay seem to stick to it and it seems to clean the rollers pretty well.