I frequently see clean printer-scanners and lawn tools (weed wackers, edgers, etc) being thrown out around my neighborhood.
Does anyone want these? If there’s any demand for these objects, I could pick them up and move them to the Freebie Shelf. I hate to see them going to waste, but I also don’t want to clutter up the shelf with something that’s unwanted.
yes, printers for the steppers, especially old big hunks of junk, scanners for thier steppers, slide rods, glass, hell i’ll salvage parts from pretty much any throw away electronics, or motors
I have an ancient HP flat bed scanner that I tried to take apart for the steppers. But disassembling it is a task that I haven’t the tools to handle. I’ll try to remember to bring it in next Thursday and put it on the up-for-grabs shelf.
I’ve stripped a number of stepper motors, belts and gears out of old HP inkjets I’ve had. I’m sure this is true of most printers. Also lots of other cool hackable items in them.