Any Interest In A Thermal Imaging Camera?


If anyone is interested, I could teach a class or give a presentation on uncooled IR sensors? I work in the field, so I have a pretty good understanding of the basics of all the different systems. Anyone interested?

Sounds good to me - just a matter if Richard wants to do a class before or after we acquire an imager. (or both / ongoing series)

I have some field experience with commercial equipment, but I am not even a Level I Certified so I am sure it would be helpful to have someone with more training, etc.

JAG “Radiometric Target” MAN

All we need is a lesson plan from the sound of it, I think we could come up with something. Maybe @renkessa has a use for it for the hydroponics setup?

How about a lesson on thermodynamics by the science committee. I honestly don’t know anything other than convection and specific heat capacity.

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Using thermal cameras is a sub-specialty of thermodynamics - they are related and overlap, but the outlines would be different.

Here are some good beginning guides I found:

JAG “Long Wavelengths Are Hot” MAN

I’m really glad that you guys haven’t lost interest in this project.

The FLIR salesman asked me today if I was ready to move forward, so I presented my proposal for a two-pronged plan.

  1. We write two lesson plans in exchange for a FLIR C2 camera. I’m thinking of making this a contest, unless someone feels really motivated to produce something great for us now. I wish I knew what FLIR is looking for; I asked, again, in my most recent email. The last email just said, “standard lesson plan.” I hate writing something without knowing more about what they are looking for.

  2. We begin a fund-raiser and ask for matching contributions from the Board, so we can buy another camera or one of the FLIR educational kits.

I explained that I would like for DMS to be able to offer better cameras, software and training than the typical homeowner would have. I really want to see thermal imaging become a key resource at DMS.


I wonder if the only school teacher I know is generally 'round these parts can address this?
@uglyknees Nicole, if you are asked for a “lesson plan” what would be the expectation?

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I think a lesson loosely explaining general thermodynamics, heat and mass flow, infrared/blackbody radiation, emissivity, and whatever other science the camera uses would be in order.

Easy demo with different suface-treated metals at the same temperature (use that pesky zeroth law you taught 'em, no need for a specific temperature) to show why variable emissivity is important for infrared data collection.

Just kicking around ideas here.


Educational bundle, might have some info in it, just putting it here for safekeeping, really.

In lieu of any other evidence, I’d suggest he’s looking for more of things along these lines.
For pre-high schoolers:
probably we’d need a “teacher’s guide” and a “student instructions”

and if you want to make it more of a college class here is an example they give away here:

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Continuing the discussion from Raising membership cost?:

Did this guy ever get the time of day from anyone here?

I wrote him a paragraph-long reply about Science Committee’s effort in thermal imaging. That should have been the next post in that thread.

I would love to help you with this. I haven’t been reading this - let me get caught up. Lesson plans aren’t hard to write at all - but a good one is a work of art.


I am still interested, just have to schedule my self some time to write a convincing lesson plan for the Targeted Customer Base the C2 was designed for specifically. ( Cuz FLIR is in the biz to make money! )

The winning “Lesson Plan” will be one that easily translates to more NEED/Want of C2 by the Target market. < that is what WE should concentrate on. Repeatable uses of a C2 by a normal Customers, that we may exemplify or bedazzle. Examples that create the epiphany moment where the student(customer) will convince themselves that they NEED a C2 right away.


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I asked the FLIR salesman about other thermal imaging educational kits we might buy. He replied to me today with two potential packages:

FLIR E60 Educational Bundle
Includes E60 IR camera (60 Hz), 25° lens; 10 mm lens; ResearchIR 4.x “Standard” (dongle and download card, only)

With a $7k discount, it’s just under $5k.

The FLIR A65sc Educators Bundle is similar, but has a table stand, base support, slower camera (9 Hz) and Ethernet connectors. It’s also just under $5k.

That is encouraging. However the E60 is usually around $4K + Tax. I dont know if we are speaking About a different unit, or if it is just a sales ploy.


ResearchIR software is about as expensive as the camera; it’s in the same ballpark, anyway.