Any idea when a class for the multicam cnc will be up

i know both me and my brother really want to do that class or have someone meet us up there and clear us but i haven’t seen a class for it so does anyone know if someone is planning to do one soon. For lot of my projects it would be helpfull

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Look for the class to show up the third week of January but check with @cghaly

okay cool thanks for the heads up

Very interested as well. No class listed 3rd week, however. :confused:

I think he is saying that that’s when the instructor is shooting to put the class

The next MultiCam class will be on Jan 21. It should show up on the calendar within the next few days.



Due to the “special”-ness of the Calendar system, look for it in about 70 hrs (or so – maybe less).

Cool I appreciate it

How many slots are available for the class


it is in the lecture hall so I think Chris has 15-20 folks in the class.

And it’s a 2 part class right


1st part is lecture and discussion in a classroom environment.

2nd part is individual test out, after you complete the drawing, then you schedule a 1 on 1 for clearance.

oh cool so technically 3 part class but that’s manageable

The class structure may have changed. Generally there is a lecture, then a hands on test out and then during that time Chris normally covers the 1:1 during that time (so used to just be a 2 part, but perhaps now it’s 3). Be aware too that the class does have a fee. Unless it has changed the class is $50 and the test out $20. I know for myself I waited until a time that I really had some things lined up for projects before paying for the class.


lol thanks for the advice I’ve got a bunch of projects that I think I can do on this machine

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It is nice to have access that’s for sure! I just need to get myself some router bits for things I want to work on next : )

@bertberaht posted about a source for inexpensive quality bits. I need to get some as well.

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Any update on the MultiCam class for the 21st? Still not up on the event calendar, and still very much excited/hopeful to attend.

Thanks again,

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@talkers I’ll let you know once I get to the point of researching and collecting some. I may have to go through the forums to see if I can find the post. Forewarning since I’ve been trying to get some other things done, it may be a month or two before I seriously consider ordering.

@JRFromTX I believe the class is still occurring. It may have depended when @cghaly submitted but I’d be on the lookout and normally he runs the 1st part of class in evenings since it’s a weekday.

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Another interested person wanting to take the multi cam class. It’s one of the main reasons I joined here.