I sent the SGC HF antenna tuner off for repair. It’s been a week or so. SGC said to expect a thirty day turnaround.
When it comes back I’ll schedule a SIG meeting and workday.
Andy Parcel has suggested adding a diplexer at both ends to separate HF from VHF+ frequencies. Then we can add a dual band or tri-band or whatever antenna on the roof and activate the second UHF connector on the yellow panel.
Question for the group - should we replace the currently-unused UHF connector with an N connector (to make it more clear which kinds of radios connect where), and perhaps put a discone on the roof that would permit activity on 2m, 220, 440, 900 and 1200? I have a discone in my attic and it seems to work reasonably well on all those bands. Probably not ideal for weak signal work on 2m and 440. We can get some N-to-UHF adapters or jumper cables for those wishing to use typical dual-band mobile radios on the antenna.
Might make satellite operation usable from DMS. Not sure. Anyway, suitable (up to 100w) discone antennas are not expensive - maybe $50 or so.
The diplexer is a great idea. I suggested that too a couple of years ago.
We have in hand a 2m/440 J-pole. ( Or had at least. It was on the bench for a while. ) Put that up as a starter.
If we want to run another coax - great. But let’s get moving on someting useable.
I agree on keeping the UHF, BTW. If we want to go above 440 then we really should see if we can find a shorter path to the roof, put in a run of better LMR coax, and maybe then switch to N. Of course we could switch to an N panel mount, then put on an adapter to UHF with a tether and a note about not using the N if you don’t understand how it works…
Timing. We can get the diplexer pair done with what we have quickly. It took a long time to get the first feedline up, and I wasn’t involved then, and the stories I’ve heard were rather troublesome, so this seemed like a shorter path to a usable setup.
Andy and I are planning to be at the space on Friday morning doing some other projects.
The SGC rooftop tuner has returned from repair. It has one issue - easily corrected - according to the factory, and needs a static test before redeployment. But otherwise ready to go.
I have procured 75 feet of heliax with appropriate connectors that Zach assures me is sufficient to go up through the air conditioning control line over the wood shop. If it won’t fit through that hole we can put in an LMR or similar jumper if necessary.
Therefore, we need to schedule a roof party soon, keeping an eye on the weather. Zach says he won’t be able to climb - I’m hoping others who participated in the running of the HF coax will lend their hard-won expertise to this project.
As for the connector on the yellow panel, well, the solution is obvious (to me anyway). Let’s do a BNC connector! Same bandwidth and power handling as an N but obviously different in size and construction so that the uninitiated won’t attempt to cram a UHF plug into it.
Let’s just stick with UHF all the way across. Adapt from N behind the panel, and then if someone has such a critical application they need that tiny impeadance bump to go away, they can connect directly to the heliax.
UHF are cheap, and durable.
I’m willing to help with roof work, but my next two weekends are busy. And I do not do mornings.
I would like to be a part of this group, haven’t seen anyone there who acknowledges being a part of it yet so I figure I’ll ask here instead. If there is an upcoming meeting I can make I’d be happy to attend to see what this group is about. I have a HF/VHF/UHF antenna analyzer I can bring if it’s needed to check the cables/antennas already there as well.