Amateur Radio Committee Meeting 13OCT15 1900-2100 (In Person or Proxy Required)

Hello everyone, per this last board meeting we need to hold an in person committee meeting for amateur radio. The purpose of it being in person is to meet the requirements of the new rule put into place by the board requiring an in person meeting for the vote of new committee chair.

Also a part of the new rule is that any member can vote in contradiction to our current rules which require voting members of the committee to be licensed amateur radio operators. I have asked for an exemption to this rule for our committee.

I need to find out from you all when you would like to hold the in person meeting. It has to fall between 8OCT15 and the Oct board meeting. It will be held at the space and I plan to provide food so it can be more fun than a slow boring meeting.

I am running for committee chair still and have not seen anyone else state they want to run. If you do want to run please make a comment on here so we can let everyone know and talk about it prior to the meeting.

So when do you guys wanna meet?

@AndrewLeCody, @BenjaminGroves, @chuckpo, @cgill27, @DanielHooper, @Carpman, @dougemes, @hykkonen, @Kluper, @Kentamanos,


@KrissyHeishman, @Krissy_Heishman, @Brockwell, @MichaelPursifull, @Nick_McCarthy, @Romeo_Espana, @RoysterBot, @tmc4242

@wandrson, @WaYNeR, @william_petefish, @zmetzing,

Due to the licensing requirement for Amateur Radio, I think we should put a board meeting agenda item which says our committee must be chaired by a member who holds an active amateur radio license (domestic or foreign with reciprocal operating authority).

I will not be able to attend, but I believe there is a proxy vote mechanism. Who would like to proxy for me?

73 de n0zgo

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That would be taken care of if we are able to require voting committee members or voting person to have a license requirement.

Due to me being a candidate it would likely be impartial for me to be otherwise I would be willing.

I may or may not be able to attend depending upon when it is held; however, @ke5bud you have my proxy to vote for yourself assuming you still want the position. If you don’t, please use my proxy to vote for whomever you choose.

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@wandrson I can do that for you and it needs to be written on paper.

Wasn’t aware about the paper need. How do I get you that? I will be at the space Saturday, Sunday, Monday evening, and Tuesday evening.

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See by-laws, section Proxies
Section 4.8 Proxies
At any meeting of members, a member entitled to vote may vote by proxy executed in writing by the member or by his duly authorized attorney-in-fact in accordance with the requirements of law.

Does not appear to be any specific format other than “In writing” I suppose you could put limitations on it like “May vote for anyone but that snake-in-grass (nemesis name)”


Leave it for me at the space I will pm you a location to leave it.

This was brought up at one point so I am just doing what was stated.

Ok right now I am seeing a bunch of proxies and not able to attends so I will set a date and time this weekend once I check my calendar and then if you cannot make it you can send a proxy or request I be your proxy.

@BenjaminGroves, @AndrewLeCody do proxies have to be written or can they be typed and printed off from here? Email, Talk, Hangouts ok?

They just need to be recorded in some fashion.

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Excellent, as I am out of the country and physically unable to provide a written proxy vote. I can sign it with my public key, of course. :slight_smile:


Only if your public key is signed by someone in my web of trust :smile:

Excellent idea!

Hash: SHA1

I, Walter Anderson, am providing Justin Edwards my proxy to vote in the upcoming Amateur Radio committee meeting.
Version: GnuPG v1



So right now I have 3 proxies @wandrson, @zmetzing, and @william_petefish.

Sounds like we need a key signing party. :wink:


I would be interested in attending.
Christopher AE5VI

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Well keep an eye @publius I will posting the date and time shortly.