Aluminum bar stock 6061 87 inches by 3" x 1/2"

Can’t imagine why Nick would change his mind, bu if he does, I’m interested as well.

Is “in half” exact? In other words are two pieces 43 inches plus a little bit useful? Or would you like one piece to be 48 inches? Yes I can cut it a couple of different ways I think I can get it into my horizontal bandsaw or use the reciprocating saw or the portable jigsaw. Supporting the cut off length will be the greatest problem.
And I did want some money for it, is that part of your offer? How much?

it doesn’t have to be exact. just need to be able to get it into my car. are you charging to cut it? I was just looking to pay the $60 your asking. If you can’t cut it for that, then I’ll pass.

@nicksilva, I can get it picked up as I have a suburban it will fit in.

@Mike1942f, are you located off of Garland Rd? Please PM me your address.

Thank you Bud. I could certainly meet you there

My address is 1019 Martinique Ave, which is the entrance road for Samuell-Grand Park off East Grand which is the extension of Garland Road past Gaston near the White Rock Lake dam.
When would you want to come by? I am basically unavailable for the first half of Saturday.

Notifications from this board appear in the corner of my Mac display for a few seconds and then vanish and I can’t find where they’re going even with my wife’s advice and she’s been using a Mac a lot longer than I have.

They go into this thread, forum style.
I’m pretty sure you want to edit your post to remove your address, as this board is (quickly) assimilated into the Google search.

Here’s a link to the post where you should do that, if it helps.

You’ll see a “pencil” icon in the row of icons at the bottom, you can click that to get edit mode. Then, use “message” to send your address out to these guys. You will need them (@nicksilva , @budman) to PM you first, because you do not have PM at your trust level. You can do things on the forums to change that trust level so you can initiate PMs.
A reference is here.

FYI for all involved, PM can NOT be done using email. You MUST use the web site.

any chance you’re available Sunday? Bud and I are scheduled to meet at the space to run a project around 3 but if we can all meet earlier we can pick this up and go to the space afterwards. I’m teaching a class on Saturday at 2pm so need to be there by 1pm for setup. just let me and @budman know.

Sunday works fine for me. Pick a time that works for you. @budman

@budman I’ll leave the time to you. we can pick this up and go run your project. 1-2 pm works for me. we were scheduled for around 3 at the space for your project.

Thanks for your kind advice, but my address and phone number have been on my web site for nearly two decades. Of course MakerSpace gets more attention than mine, but …

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Roger that. :thumbsup: Just wanted to make sure you know. :slight_smile:

I’m heading to Terrell, TX tomorrow afternoon. I can pick it up tomorrow and then bring it to the space on Sunday. Does 1PM work on Saturday?

I can stop by and pay for it anytime so long as Bud can pick it up. just let me know.

I’ll pay the $60 for it when I pick it up and @nicksilva can pay me back. @Mike1942f, is 1PM ok time to meet?

so cool. I’ll meet you up at the space for our haas run time.

If you want to defray the cost a bit I could use a foot or so of that and will buy it off you at the space to make casting molds out of.

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@nicksilva As is obvious from the time of this reply, Saturday was mostly gone by the time I saw the added conversation. Sunday always worked better for me although I am home now, Saturday’s morning expanded more than I expected. I’ll keep an eye on further activity.

I don’t think it’s a problem as I believe we were talking about Sunday as Bud and I are scheduled on the Haas on Sunday at 3. Bud should confirm

@nicksilva @nicksilva the bar is inside the house wiped down dry and then wet so it is pretty clean. I expect to be here for the rest of the day.