All Tool Users - please spend a moment updating Tool Status Board

Please take a moment to update the Tool Status board. It only takes a minute and is done by clicking simple radio buttons. Everyone has permission/authority to make changes

@LisaSelk recently updated the structure. All the machines are set to Yellow/Degraded in order to prompt a conscious update.

If you have (recent) personal knowledge of any specific tool/machine, please spend a moment updating its status. You would check the appropriate radio button and also select the correct option from the pull-down menu. Successful updates will give you a message that the tool status has been updated.

The tools are grouped by committee (but the committee name isn’t shown). The committees are sorted in alphabetical order (e.g., 3D fab first, Woodshop last). The two compressor components appear at the top because if they are down many shop tools are also affected.

Thanks in advance for your help.


I updated quite a bit. There shows that we have a Lincoln MIG which we don’t. It’s a Miller 252. Also updated that the Miller 350 TIG has been de-commissioned.


Pick and Place Station can be removed from the list.



It has? What replaced it?

The HAAS will remain as degraded until we can have all 20 tool slots working and replace the tool release button. But it is usable as is.

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[quote="TBJK, post:3, topic:21289"] There shows that we have a Lincoln MIG which we don't. It's a Miller 252 [/quote]

I’ll just rename it next time I’m at the Space. Thx for the head’s up! :slight_smile:

[quote="TBJK, post:3, topic:21289"] Also updated that the Miller 350 TIG has been de-commissioned. [/quote]

Since adding/removing items shifts everything, please mark it decommissioned for now. The next time that I do a major update, I’ll remove it then. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Since adding/removing items shifts everything, please mark it decommissioned for now. The next time that I do a major update, I’ll remove it then. Thanks! :slight_smile:

[quote="nicksilva, post:6, topic:21289, full:true"] The HAAS will remain as degraded until we can have all 20 tool slots working and replace the tool release button. But it is usable as is. [/quote]

Thanks for the clarification! :slight_smile:

Isn’t the freeze dryer gone now??


I believe so… When I update the list of tools, I pretty much rely on the committees to let me know of changes that need to be changed and just focus on the requested changes. :wink:

For now, it can be set as decommissioned. Thanks! :smiley:

This has been corrected. Thanks again! :smiley:


That reminded me; the freeze dryer has also been removed from the list of tools available in the calendar system.


@LisaSelk could you add Metaza, also add a second heat press entry for the new Stahl Maxx Heatpress

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The next time I update it, I will add them. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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