Airbrush Questions

Hello all, I have a project that could use some airbrushing, and I want to ask some questions about the airbrushes at the 'space before I decide how to proceed:

As far as I understand it, the DMS Airbrushes are to be used with water-based paints only. I’m assuming this is to ease the cleaning process, as we all know DMS Members are famous for misplacing tools, being lax with maintenance and cleaning, and just outright not caring about things that aren’t theirs. My first question is, in addition to the maintenance angle, is it also a matter of chemical concerns? I.e. Acrylics and Enamels stink because of their solvents. I get that other members wouldn’t be thrilled with solvent fumes, even with a ventilation setup.

Next, what specific paints are allowed? Are some Acrylics ok as long as they’re water-based instead of alcohol-based? Or are even “aqueous” acrylics sitting in some sort of watered-down solvent mixture?

If it’s more a concern of maintaining DMS Equipment rather than solvent fumes, would it work if I buy my own airbrush and bring it to the 'space? This could cause potential issues with people mistaking it for DMS Equipment, so maybe I’d want to triple-check with the relevant committee chairs first. Maybe if I label it, and display it prominently while entering DMS?

If it’s relevant, the project is a model airplane for my Dad. I could hand brush it, but that would take a while, and it would look better airbrushed, at least for the base coat(s). Details are always a hand-brushing affair.

If anyone else at DMS builds Plastic Model Kits, I’d appreciate any advice. So far, I’ve only built a few Gundams…

Hey Chris,

So yes, we only use Acrylic based paints with the DMS airbrushes in creative arts, as it is (almost) non toxic and easy to clean up, with minimal chemicals and smells involved. There are airbrushes out for member use, and a few of them are in working order. I check them now and then, they aren’t fantastic, but they should work.

If you do use your own airbrush and plan on not using acrylic, I’d recommend working out in the main warehouse where the ventilation is much better, but the ‘be excellent’ motto (and common sense) strongly applies here. Don’t spray strong, toxic chemicals. Those kinds of paints are best kept at home to be honest.

edit: acrylic airbrushing on Gundam works amazing by the way!

Thanks! I probably will stick to acrylics. I also got a rattle can of primer, but I know that’s verboten at DMS so I’ll do that elsewhere.

No idea when I’ll get around to building this model plane, but it’s good to know what my options are at DMS. Thanks!

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No problem! I’ve been wanting to put up a ‘model building’ event recently, maybe when you find time let me know and we can get a group together to hang out and build!

That’s a great idea!