Additional sewing machine/handsew classes?

Hi all,

I am thinking of creating my own LED based costume using the adafruit FLORA platform. I know the electrical side but the issue is I don’t know a lick about sewing! :slight_smile: I looked at the class schedule and it seems everything is pretty full. Are there any plans to add additional classes this month? Thank you.

Hand sewing would be a great class

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I’m always open to one on one teaching. Let me know when you arrthe space next


That’s very sweet of you. I attended a class last week as a guest and plan to do the tour Thursday. I’ll probably pay my fee this weekend. What days are okay next week? Anything but Tuesdays work.

I’m here all the time. Is evening better than day?

Yes after 7pm is generally okay for me since I usually am done w/ work after 6pm.

Hit me up Monday night!