Adafruit Group Order - 30% Off on most items

Thanks Ken!

FWIW - I’ll be up tomorrow (Monday) night for the HAM class - and maybe a little before or after to verify that the laser cutter usage timer works on the cutter itself, and not just on the bench :slight_smile:

I have locked the items in the committee locker in the break room. I will send you a private message with the code.

We are still waiting on a few items to complete order 3:

Arduino Micro without Headers - 5V 16MHz ATmega32u4
Flora RGB Smart NeoPixel version 2 - Sheet of 20
32x32 RGB LED Matrix Panel - 6mm pitch

Let me know if you prefer to continue to wait or break the order into what we can get and maybe do yet another order 4.

For my part, the only reason I added the stuff not on this list was to bring the total up above the minimum order level for discounts, so I’ll prefer to wait. Defeats the point of ordering that other stuff if I just get it and keep these items on back order…

By the way, my project with this gear is underway. Photo attached. Nothing too exciting, but useful.

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I am ok without the 32x32 display since it’s out of stock and I don’t really have a way to drive it, the LED rope is good enough. I really want to just play with the tiny OLED for my keyboard project.

Very nice, anything involving LEDs are always a great project.

It appears to be in stock here. I have ordered from these people in the past. They are very good…