Adafruit Group Order - 30% Off on most items

Anyone interested in putting a order together for Adafruit? We get a makerspace discount of 30%-40% on orders of $250 or more. (@Kluper can confirm).

I have an $185 order waiting on a couple of items to be in stock but thought others may want to order together and get a pretty big discount.


I have had my eye on the Rigol DS1054Z. That would certainly bump the order past the $250 mark.

This would be a good excuse for me to buy it now especially if it received the 40% discount. What determines the final discount percentage? Total ticket amount?

I could really use a Raspbian SD card for RPi2, but they don’t appear to have them yet…

We just ordered a Rigol DS1054Z along with the rest of our equipment order. That unit is almost never in stock at Adafruit, I know I have been watching for a three months. Plus I don’t think the discount applied to big items like that. Maybe @Kluper can help answer questions about the discount.

I figured that might be the case with the higher dollar items but had to give it a shot. I will post again if I can think of anything else I can add to your order.

So the discount usually doesn’t apply to big ticket items from third parties. I checked on the scope, it doesn’t apply. It also does not apply to Raspberry Pis and BeagleBones.

What does it apply to? Biggest discounts are for adafruit items like their boards and products made in house. It also applies to lots of parts and such. I’ll give @Lampy the login so he can check on the discounts.

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I’d like one of these:

And one of these:

And these:

How do we pay you?




one of these too:

Rough prices with discount. - $7 (30% off) - $14 (30% off) - $7 (30% off) - $12.57 (30% off)

You can pay me when they arrive.

Just checking, you realize that it requires 4 of the 1768’s to get a full circle?


Oops, make that 4 of the 1768s

I want to see the clock when you’re finished with it :wink:

If you come to the Raspberry Pi 101 class I can show you how to make the SD card for Raspbian. Or let me know and I can show you how.

I need to make a shoping list so I can get in on it.


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I might be interested in buying something. Can you get a list of what’s on discount? Is that dude on the discount list? :smile:

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I’d like to get the following:

When are are we planning on purchasing?

-the purring dork

Please put me in for:

10 x

Working on looking up your requests. Watch here for a list.

@paulstaf , yes it is. $36 (10% discount)

Ok, here is a link to a google psreadsheet of the orders so far. A few items are out of stock.

Check your items, qty, etc.