Adafruit Group Order - 30% Off on most items

To advance our third order beyond the minimums, please add:

6 x
4 x
2 x
3 x
4 x
1 x
1 x

If any of these are closer to another level of discount, please let me know and I can increase some of them.


They have been added and takes us over the $250 minimum, $326.88


MichaelPursifull wrote:

I’m currently out of town but the first batch of the Adafruit order should be here Thursday. If they do I will bring Thursday evening.


Orders 1 & 2 are here. I can bring them by the space ASAP if you coordinate with me here on talk.

I’ll be at the space this evening starting around 5:30.

I should be there tonight.

Hey if you are making another order I have some things to add:

When it’s back in stock:

The prices for those items are:

We are waiting on two others items to come back into stock, then we can place the 3rd order.

Awesome thanks. I’ll try to pre-pay next week.

I’m not going to be able to make it to DMS tonight, my Dr. confirmed I have Strep Throat. I have 24 more hours till I’m not contagious. I haven’t handled or opened the boxes :wink:

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Feel better Ken. Sucks to come back from vacation will an illness. If you didn’t work for yourself I’d say you were faking it. :smile:

@apipe, @MichaelPursifull, @Comter, @ToddStone, @Gimli, @cottjr

The orders have been sorted and ready for delivery:

I will be at the makerspace this afternoon about 3:45. But let me know of any other times you will be up there and I will bring your order to you. I may buy a lock for the committee locker and leave it for you and you can pickup at your convenience.

Orders 1 & 2 totaled $1,800 and the wish list for Order 3 is $425. Thanks for making this such a successful discount order, we will have saved about $650!

Still waiting on the following items to come in stock to place Order # 3

@MichaelPursifull - 2 of 5 - Arduino Micro without Headers - 5V 16MHz ATmega32u4 - Assembled
@Comter - 2 of 2 - Flora RGB Smart NeoPixel version 2 - Sheet of 20

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Thanks Ken!

FWIW - I’ll be up tomorrow (Monday) night for the HAM class - and maybe a little before or after to verify that the laser cutter usage timer works on the cutter itself, and not just on the bench :slight_smile:

I have locked the items in the committee locker in the break room. I will send you a private message with the code.

We are still waiting on a few items to complete order 3:

Arduino Micro without Headers - 5V 16MHz ATmega32u4
Flora RGB Smart NeoPixel version 2 - Sheet of 20
32x32 RGB LED Matrix Panel - 6mm pitch

Let me know if you prefer to continue to wait or break the order into what we can get and maybe do yet another order 4.

For my part, the only reason I added the stuff not on this list was to bring the total up above the minimum order level for discounts, so I’ll prefer to wait. Defeats the point of ordering that other stuff if I just get it and keep these items on back order…

By the way, my project with this gear is underway. Photo attached. Nothing too exciting, but useful.

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I am ok without the 32x32 display since it’s out of stock and I don’t really have a way to drive it, the LED rope is good enough. I really want to just play with the tiny OLED for my keyboard project.

Very nice, anything involving LEDs are always a great project.

It appears to be in stock here. I have ordered from these people in the past. They are very good…