Accidentally cancelled wrong class (longstich bookbinding)

I accidentally cancelled the longstich class july 12th registration. Is there a way to sign up

No, sorry, there isn’t any way to reverse it. Once you’ve cancelled you just have to wait until another class is offered. Here’s a link to FAQs for classes, class registrations, etc. It is also linked from the New Member 411 on the wiki. We all hate that stupid red CANCEL button … it’s just out there begging to be pressed.

When you press ENTER to register, the Calendar returns with a big [color=red]red button[/color] that says “CANCEL”. [color=red]DO NOT[/color] press this button unless you really want to cancel. Once you cancel, you cannot re-register. There is no way around this.

I sent you a PM to discuss this.

I’m not certain what Tim Black’s talk name is but you might want to contact him and see if he is planning on teaching another class soon as this class says it is full now. Anyone know Tim’s talk handle?

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Paging @dryad2b

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I’m pretty sure there will be more classes. He isn’t on Talk.

The class is now full.

I noticed that this class is open to non-members. Next time something like this happens, try registering without logging on first. The calendar system may be naive enough to let you do it.

If that does not work, try using an alternative e-mail address.

Do not try to do anything like this with required classes as you will probably not get credit even if you can fool the system into letting you take the class.


Bill is correct. As it is open to non members, you do not have to use your MakerSpace id to register.

Did you see my PM or my email?

Oh my gosh, I just saw it. I’m sorry for the delay. I’ll reply now.

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