A project for someone, maybe?

My mother has a purse she really likes. It’s made of relatively cheap materials, with relatively cheap construction, but the design is the best she’s yet found. And so she’s asked me to discover whether there are any of the leatherworking folks at DMS who would be willing to take on the job of tearing it down & duplicating it in a more durable incarnation, & if so, what kind of price she could expect to pay such a person.
I’d definitely like to hear from anybody who’s potentially interested.

@bitta Sounds like your kind of thing?

I would bet if you went to a sewing shop to get something like this done, it would be a 2 or 3 hundred, possibly more based on the design, in labor plus material for none leather. I’m not sure where to send you for leather work, but I would bet it would be more expensive because of the limitations and difficulty of the material. But, that is a lightly informed ball park to help and see if you might be able to afford to shop this out.

Do you have a photo of the purse?


I would suggest that if first be mocked up in fabric, before making it in leather. One of my projects is to make myself a leather purse

Yep…pics would help a lot.

I woulds say pics or gt… but this isn’t that kind of forum. So I’ll be the next guy to kindly ask for pictures.

Would you please post in a comment bellow pictures or an imgur gallery containing photos of the purse?

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I know somebody who make leather backpacks and satchels, etc

If no one else is interested, I will give you his contact information.



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