7 inch CNC on the give away shelf

I have an older 7 inch CNC that I am about to drop off

If someone wants it for parts or little engraving it is all yours.


That’s almost exactly what I’ve been looking for!

What kind of materials does it engrave easily? (If specific for something)

I see you also have notifications on. :stuck_out_tongue:
Interested, if not taken!

Actually I don’t :slight_smile:

I just happened to refresh at just the right time apparently

Turned on, but not paying attention…

My daughter just ran it inside a few min ago.

It is up on the shelf for grabs.

It will mill aluminum and oak. Just don’t be in hurry.


I did grab it.
Going to take home and run some tests for my use case, if it doesn’t work I’ll send you a DM?

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That would be awesome, thank you!