Seeking an electronics pro to combine a leica rangefinder and a Samsung Galaxy. I want to control the Leica from the Android. (1) turn the device on (2) pair bluetooth (3) capture a measurement.
Leica has an open API and I can send the login information when needed.
Not quite-- I have my own app that I’d like to shoot the data to and I’d like to take the cases off the lecia and galaxy and combine both units into a single device (one screen). Thanks.
Without knowing more about what needs to be done, your budget appears to be at least an order of magnitude low. That is if the work were to be done by someone who’s time has a real opportunity cost.
Now if someone would entertain doing the work as a hobbyist, to learn and get some compensation for their time, then you may find your whiz. And DMS would certainly be a good place to find a person with that mindset.
It would be helpful to have some more detail regarding the tasks to be done.
What is this a prototype form factor?
non-custom box?
3D printed enclosure?
What is the hardware ‘integration’ of the Android and Rangefinder?
Common battery + switch?
Remove rangefinder screen?
Any electronics to connect the two?
“I have most of the software done” What is remaining?
Bluetooth comms with rangefinder?
Finish application?
What is current dev environment (Android Studio, …)
Beware the adage - The last 10% takes 90% of the time
Any other project requirements?
Test/validation plan
Hardware budget
All of the above questions - and more - should be included in a document known as an SOW (Statement of Work). If you don’t already have such a document, it is highly recommended that you create one. This will have the following benefits and more
Help to define exactly what needs to be done
Provide a framework for creating a realistic task list
Attached to each task will be a completion time
Double the above and you’ll have the total time to complete
Apply a duty cycle, N hours/week, and you’ll have a completion date you can put on a calendar
Multiply the total hours by the whiz’s hourly rate to compute total cost of the whiz’s time
It’s important to have an SOW when engaging an outside resource, whether the project is a large budget or on a shoestring. The SOW sets the expectations for both parties. It also spells out when your are finished…when all of the tasks are completed - you’re done. If all of the task aren’t captured in the SOW, then you won’t be done but the whiz will have delivered what was agreed upon.
The above is given in a constructive manner, in the event the OP is unfamiliar with the above process, with the hope that it will be helpful in your quest to successfully complete your project.