We are working on the design for coffin racer, PVC mockup is on south wall by air compressor room. We are gonna need a bunch of 3D printed white bone knuckles to snap onto the tubing at the joints, 2ish month lead time. If anyone is interested in helping with this let me know. It would be nice to have 3 or more different shapes so could use help from several people.
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Do you have dimensions of the part(s)? What material do they need to made out of? Is there an STL model available?
I don’t have any existing models. The shape would be like the ends of the long bones in image below…
It would cover the side of brazed tubing joints that face spectators. Roughly 2" dia that would taper to .75" which is the dia of the tubing we are using. Doesnt have to be a human bone shape. We could get some medeling clay and mock up a few examples.
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Could the 3D scanner be used to generate a model from the clay mockup?
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Alternatively if someone would like to donate the ends of any bones they aren’t using
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