3D Printing and Electronics as focus of next show at DMS: June-August

No poster yet but I wanted to get everyone primed for the next show at DMS - IT HAS BEEN CHANGED!

Creative Arts wants to highlight the makings with the 3D printer and electronics “involved” pieces. It seems “they” haven’t been showcased so we would like to offer the opportunity.

Keep in mind everything right now needs to be wall mounted in some way. Or we can discuss the viewing options we can come up with.
Pieces will be taken at the end of May to be hung early June.
Concepts will conform to standard “public viewing” norms (final decision on that rests with me Nicole Franczvai).
CA would love to see different takes on the topic - interpret it as you would like. Now is the time to get a bit nutty.
Please post questions below. I will publish more information mid-month.


@Lampy @themitch22 @LisaSelk @Haley_Moore
Who else is electronics?

Please help me spread the word


@artg_dms and @Kluper along with Haley are the three committee chairs.

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The Gocupi I am setting up, might have to be for both the current and this future event, since it’s both 3D printed and electronics related. I’m kind of cheating but I’ll make sure it’s interesting.

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One bit of concern with electronics hung on a wall is power. I’ve seen one display that used a rechargeable battery (RGB LED control) but it was dead more often than charged. It will be challenging to find suitable projects for an electronics showcase without some source of constant power. Maybe a shelf or case could be crafted?

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