3D printer coming out in spring, cheap, what think ye?

The so-called, learning curve issues, seem pretty minor.

I’ve owned one of these since August (Indigogo supporter).

I like the machine - a lot. Quality of prints is good, speed is excellent. I love the compact size and rigid frame - travels well.

Two nits of my version 1.0 machine:

  • It prints undersized - I have to scale EVERYTHING up by 2.5% for the prints to match the models. This is a common problem from the comments on the Facebook Group for the printer.
  • The SD card/reader sucks. Many folks have zero problems, but I (and many others) had problems with file corruption. Support for new cards isn’t there - you have to go old/small for any success, and even then I’ve had poor luck. As a result, I use USB. The printer also supports a phone app, but it also relies on the SD card for a file system - I’ve not used it. This might be fixed in later versions.

It’s better suited for PLA than ABS, though I’m having good success with ABS after some mods

  • no bottom fan makes it overheat when printing ABS - already fixed on the Version 1.1 machines they shipped in October. I added a fan to mine.
  • The bed is heated, but the BuildTac-like surface on the print bed warped with the heat of ABS. I replaced it with a piece of glass and using Kapton tape on top of that.
  • The power supply (12V 6 Amp 72 Watts) is barely adequate for heating the bed and the head. I am currently experimenting with a new 10 Amp, 120 Watt supply

If you want, I can bring the printer in for you to look at. I am usually at the 'space on Thursdays but I will be there this Saturday for a 4:30 class and the Festivus dinner.


Thanks for the tips. Don’t need to actually see it right now but I appreciate the offer. Sound like a nice deal for the money.

What modeling program do you like and what slicer do you use? And could you comment on your workflow (files, software, etc) from design to to running the printer? Thanks, I’m a newbie re 3D printing although I have played with Sketchup and done a few prints on the DMS printers a couple years ago.

For modeling, I use Thingiverse :slight_smile:

Seriously though, it depends on the project.

I use OpenSCAD for parametric items. OpenSCAD is also the engine behind the thingiverse customizer.

I’ve used Google Sketchup for a long time, and there is a free module for STL export.

I’ve also played with TinkerCAD - nice in that it’s web based so no software to download.

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