20180815 Woodshop Meeting - Pine ban discussion

I too would like to know which it is; Southern Yellow Pine, Pine (general sense), Framing lumber, Whitewood, Air dried, and Kiln dried have all been mentioned here.

I would be more than happy to help maintain the machines and if once a month doesn’t seem like enough than it should be bi-monthly. Waiting till someone has a problem to address a machine is waiting too long in my opinion. In the shop I used to work in we did weekly cleaning/grease/wax and then once a month was deep clean and blade changes. This was a place where the blades were cutting 40-50 hours a week on various woods.

Is there any interest in a general cleaning class of the machines? Simply hitting it with compressed air and checking there is no build up or waxing the slides and cleaning the paper. If more people knew to do these things before/after cutting it would cut down on wear and tear.


Old woodworker’s tip for cleaning sap off blades.

Spray-on oven cleaner! Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes and all the goo comes right off - sometimes you need a soft toothbrush to encourage it but nothing more vigorous is required.

Try it if you don’t believe me …


Home Depot has a bargain bin?


Simple Green works great for cleaning pine sap off saw blades too. Makes a world of difference in quality of the cut.


@Azalaket you are saying whitewood such as common 2x4s and 2x6s are allowed in the woodshop?

I don’t use the DMS wood shop often but I build tables and stuff for my house out of 2x4s and 2x6s with common Lowe’s lumber. I just want a clarification since it seems a lot of different terms are being used interchangeably on this thread. Thanks


I am under the impression that because we can’t tell the difference between the types of pine, that all are included on the prohibited materials list. if it really is that big of an issue, I’m sure that we can bring it up for another vote at the next regularly-scheduled committee meeting. I’m also sure that our decision whether or not to bring it up for a vote will be largely based on the turnout at the Woodshop maintenance day, and our ability to show people exactly what is involved in removing the buildup created by pine from the machines. If it really is that important to you to mill pine In the Woodshop, come find out why the committee made the decision that we did.


Milling - not so much. But if this is to be decreed, we need a second miter saw set up at least. Not stowed under the table, to be set up each and every time. A full station just like the one we already have. That should handle most of the basic sorts of things people usually build out of pine.

And the white wood vs yellow pine distinction REALLY needs to be made. If there is a problem, it’s with the latter.

If it is an outright ban, you will be running people out of the wood shop. We do not need to be discouraging member activity at this time.


I feel like if we could keep yellow pine off the jointer and planer, the problem would be solved. Unfortunately, that was not the way that the issue was presented at the last (and my first) committee meeting. It was an item that was under discussion at previous meetings, and was ready to be put to a vote shortly after it’s mention. As I stated earlier, anyone who wishes to have this rule put to another vote is welcome to attend the next maintenance day/committee meeting to do so. We can only represent the voices of the people who show up to have them heard.

Proxy, people! Proxy!
But also, “if you don’t show up you don’t count” is kind of a shitty way to treat people, too, in the spirit of excellence and onlineness we (allegedly) foster at DMS… Especially when the opinions come from folks who DO put in huge swaths of time, even if it’s not necessarily in the committee in question (i.e. John Gorman).



Southern Yellow Pine. Very noticeable grain. It’s yellow (though not as much as Bodark). It’s heavy. You can smell the sap - PineSol scented. It is very strong and durable. It does have a lot of Sap.

White Pine is white. Indistinguishable from Spruce in the lumber rack. Significantly lighter. Soft. Sink your finger nail into it soft.

Telling Southern Yellow Pine from White Woods is like telling Cherry apart from Maple. If unsure, just ask when purchasing or a member when found.

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And that would be a very reasonable approach.

Outright banning anything LIKE the most common lumber around, not so much, in my opinion.

Hopefully this will be revisited real soon now.


Andrew said:

If the posted rule specifically spells out that Yellow Pine is not allowed, is everything OK?

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Maybe a sample board would make it easier to identify?


I have labeled samples on the way from Dakota for the most commonly used woods that they sell. I will follow up this week and have them on display in the woodshop workshop area soon. I will make sure to include samples of yellow pine and pressure treated lumber for clarification.


A sign made of Southern Yellow Pine with something like this written on it…

I am Southern Yellow Pine. I am poisonous fruit. Never feed me to the machines.


Where can someone find the prohibited materials list?

IMO, it should be either on the wood shop committee wiki page, or linked from that page. If someone can point me to the list, I will make it accessible from that wiki page.


Feel free to create one. You should get with the current chair @Azalaket to determine the contents. I do not know of such a resource, but agree that it would be helpful. I do know that there are materials that have been prohibited for longer than the materials in question, like any kind of metal. Maybe there wasn’t a posted list because it was so short.

I have no foot in this race because I am not a member yet… I am going to join just don’t have the time with all my work going on… I work across the back parking lot of you guys in the picture framing company… if you guys ban pine that would mean 99% of moulding would not be able to be cut… 99% of moulding (picture frame and crown moulding) are pine… it is almost always New Zealand pine (which is a southern yellow pine)… yes most moulding has been kiln dried so that most of the sap is dried up but it is still considered a yellow pine wood thus would be banned…


From what I read in the July notes the only wood banned is pressure treated wood with green tint. So unless the committee can show notes and a proper vote then that should be the only wood banned.

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The August notes have been posted and I did not include the pine ban because it has already been discussed here, with the reasons discussed for banning it and the alternatives available for use. Based on the discussion the vote was unanimously in favor of the rule. Y’all all have great opinions and information about this subject, so please go to the next committee meeting and voice them.