posting for @jeffbob
The Hunt County Woodturning Club has a two day class for woodturners on 10-20 and 21 at Rockler in Garland. 8-5 both days. They have 6 of their best turners coming out to have the class members help you make 6 projects over the two days. It for beginners or those without a lot of experience but they go through many phases of turning. It is $150 for both days and Rockler is providing all the materials. If you have tools good but if not you can use theirs. Angela and I (@jeffbob) are going. They have 6 of 12 slots still open.
I (@jeffbob) know the group well and they are both master turners and also very patient instructors. They have done this a few times and have gotten rave reviews.
You can go to the Hunt County Club website under events to see it and also sign up.
Feel free to contact @jeffbob for any questions.