*sigh* Walter has been muted on Talk

Read that twice. Especially like his last point. Thanks for including this information in the discussion.

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According to Luke’s unscientific poll, at least 25.9 people would disagree “People” were wrong to do so.

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The poll is probably biased given the thread it’s in. Though it’s informative regardless. The objection to the block has been heard.


Should the poll be moved to its own thread?

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Statement of Intent for BoD: for Walter Anderson

That’s not necessary in my opinion.


Would an employer tolerate a new employee coming in with a “you’re doing everything wrong” attitude?


Yes. In tech, we actively seek these people out. Without constant innovation and improvement, your company fails.

There’s an entire segment of the consulting industry built around it. Bain, BCG, McKinsey, etc., all offer their services in this realm.

Moreover, I don’t know that it’s fair to compare “these are gaps and ways to improve them” with “you’re doing everything wrong.” Resistance to change because of traditionalism is the primary symptom of a dying organization.

And it’s not anything new. HBR wrote about it in 1969, and their observations then are as applicable today as they were then.


eh, nevermind. xxxxxx

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I’m not sure I agree with you there, most companies have learned that this is counter-productive and hurts costing as well as the productivity of other employees. See examples below:


Appears to have been a thing a while ago too:

Books have been written on the topic:

Even what is considered one of the more sink or swim companies:


Neither clever nor excellent. Mainly disappointing.

Huh, oh, I see. Didn’t mean to imply you were being an ahole. This is just what came to mind. That is generally what happens in my industry anyways. The ahole being the person who crashes projects etc and tries to tell everyone what is wrong. Honestly, I have avoided all these fights primarily because I realize Talk is one of the ways new/prospective members form opinions, but this place is a do-ocracy not do-schism, where as I don’t think it should have been a BOD decision to ban Walter I understand the rationale. This community is nicer than a lot of communities I have participated in, most of them have flags, and after x flags by discrete users you are auto-banned and must make a case for why you shouldn’t be removed completely. I don’t feel like this place should be combative, personally, so I apologize that you took my post as such. PPS the fact that you are expecting an attack makes me sad, we’re better than that on here.


I found the articles (at least the parts I read of them) bother clever and excellent. I hope you are OK with that?


I sincerely appreciate that.

I have to tell you, my experience thus far does not bare that out. I wish that the members here WERE better than that.

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me too. wouldn’t want anyone to get BUTT hurt over what was a non-combative response about A-holes.


We are so very far off topic now people. Please start new threads with whatever new topics of discussion you want to continue.


if it would make you feel better, we could remove more people from talk
Really? Please give ua more information about that. Because it sounds to me like, “don’t like what we did, how bout we do it to some more of you, because we can you know”

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I hate that you feel that way Luke! You contribute immensely to the space and everyone should be thankful. Varying communication styles from person to person can be challenging, but we just need to seek excellence in each other and not berate everyone and debate pointless things to death. Unexcellence should not be tolerated.

Thank you again for all you do to keep this place running everyday!


Merissa already posted an official post to keep this thread on topic. The posts from today about Walter running for Board are going to be merged with the thread announcing his intent to run for Board now.

Please keep this thread on topic. As already advised, any new spinoff topics need their own thread. Thanks!


In various discussions at the Space last nite (Thurs) the following stats were brought up
~88 flags
A very large part done by 4 - 5 people
Also brought up was the fact that in one of the BoD mtngs someone suggested raising the required number of flags from 3 to 5. Not sure I’m using the right terms here but it was strongly objected to by small group of people.

Any one find that interesting???