13" Macbook Pro Problem

I have a 13" MacBook Pro that a friend gave me because it stopped working. Now when you boot it up all it shows is a flashing folder with a question mark. I have done some homework and found out that it is either the HD cable or the HD.

I was wanting to fix this. I am good with my hands and do some (very little) work with electronics. The iFixit guides seem very easy for both of these. Would there be someone in electronics that would be willing to help me make sure that I don’t completely ruin my laptop?

On another note. I was wanting to upgrade this to an SSD drive. I have been out of the computer building world for a while and they seem to vary in price drastically can anyone give me some direction?

Just replace the Hard drive with a SSD don’t worry about imaging etc.

Mac have embedded recovery media that go out to the internet to bring down the latest copy.

As far as type confirm what type of ssd form factor your model uses.

ugh, I think you just jumped past my understanding. What should I be looking for to find that out?

On the back there is a model# what is it?

13" mb pro… which year? I have one of the early models from 2007 and that absolutely needs a external disk to reinstall.

The newer ones, not so much.

If your needing someone to do the tech support for you, I’ll be able to given you supply the parts. If you don’t have them I could reach out to my suppliers and you the makerspace discount.

it is a 2012. I am wanting to do the work. I just bought the part and have a little electronics toolkit I will probably do it this week. It seems easy enough.

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yeah anything genius bar or geek squad can do so too can anyone else doesn’t take any training to do what those tech monkeys can do.