10x10 Art has been removed

If you own or know the owners for these pieces, please tag them or let them know that these leftovers will be on the cart in creative arts for a week before finding new, possibly less pleasant, homes (which would be a waste!)


I think you can contact at least one of these



That is Seth’s art, not mine. Thanks though!

Any idea what his username is?

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Hmm. No I don’t. But! To make things easier, I’ll just tell him when he
gets home for dinner. :slight_smile:


Seth’s is @drawsprocket.

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Put them on the donation shelf instead of tossing them! I call dibs on Kimmie’s map if she doesn’t want it!

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Yeah, hoping we won’t need to toss any. We have a couple spots vacant on the column in creative arts

ill come get mine, thanks!

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In future sign ups sheets should read:

If I do not pick-up my artwork by XX-XX-XX I donate it to DMS/Creative Arts to dispose of as they see fit, sell, display, throwaway or other. and that line initialed.

This ends the what to do with it and makes it clear we can dispose of it. This should become a standard clause on anything put up on display, They can and should be notified in advance, but the burden is on them, not DMS keep trying to get them to pick it up.


Did I hear a volunteer to run this yearxs 10x10?


You heard me volunteer to make the form


I accept that LOL, I felt so rushed to get the show moving that I forgot all about forms and such.